Page 34 of My Beastly Duke
It took her a moment to trust the tea, but she breathed a sigh of relief with the fragrant and non-nauseating aroma wafted to her nose. “Milk, Your Grace?” Marina asked him with a smile as she placed the cup in front of him.
“Yes please.” The duke seemed stiffer than anything else.
Eyeing the contents of the jug carefully, Marina began to pour the white liquid into the tea, watching closely for any signs of trickery.
“What is that over there?!” Prudence suddenly jumped to her feet and pointed past their heads.
Everyone jumped, causing Marina to spill some of the milk on Aaron.
“Your Grace! I am so sorry!” Marina hurried to clean the spill with a napkin while Prudence sat back and giggled.
“You must forgive my youngest daughter, Your Grace. She fancies herself something of a jester. It is a notion that I am trying to get rid of. Perhaps a few years in finishing school willdo the trick.” She turned her face to her youngest daughter with a scornful glare.
“Don’t even mention it, Lady Wallace. I understand how children can be.” Aaron offered a forced smile.
Being referred to as a child did not sit well with Prudence, as her smile quickly turned to a frown.
“Would you care for sugar, Your Grace?” Marina attempted to salvage the tea.
“Two please,” he cleared his throat and adjusted his position in his seat.
The lumps of sugar dissolved easily in the tea, setting Marina’s mind at ease as she gave the cup a gentle stir with a spoon before sitting back.
Prudence, who seemed to be watching his cup with a great deal of concentration, quickly snapped out of her daze when Marina offered her milk. “No thank you, I will not be having any milk or sugar.” She quickly placed her hand over her cup and smiled.
Oh, Lord. What has she done?
Grubbing one of the lumps of sugar, Marina quickly turned away from the table and licked the cube.
Just sugar?
She turned back to her sister with a frown, recalling the time when Prudence had replaced the sugar in the larder with ones of salt.
“On second thought, I think I will have two lumps of sugar.” Prudence held her cup out with a bright smile.
Raising her eyebrows, Marina obliged and gave her two lumps of sugar, wondering what it was that she had done.
Aaron took a sip of his tea and frowned, causing the pit of Marina’s stomach to fall to her feet.
“Is anything the matter, Your Grace?” Johanna asked with a great deal of concern.
Licking his lips a few times Aaron eyed his cup of tea. “It tastes a little… fishy.”
Placing the jug of milk back on the table, Marina glared at her sister. “Prudence. What did you do?”
“I do not know what you are talking about.” Prudence looked away, shrugging her shoulders.
Recalling the large pond at the other end of the garden, Marina suddenly took the cup from Aaron and poured the contents intoher saucer. Everything seemed fine at first until the final drops came oozing over the rim, plopping into the saucer.
“Are those fish eggs?” Aaron suddenly asked, looking a little green.
Shutting her eyes, Marina shook her head. “Your Grace, I am so, so sorry. I will fetch you a clean cup and have the milk jug cleaned.”
“I think I have had enough tea for one afternoon. You may enjoy the rest of your visit without me.” He pushed himself up from his seat and hurried away from the table.
Turning in unison, Marina and her mother both glared daggers at Prudence.
Aaron stood with his hands behind his back as he watched the ladies in the garden enjoying their tea. From what he could see from the window, Marina and her mother had given the young girl quite a talking to after he left the table.