Page 35 of My Beastly Duke
He would have laughed under normal circumstances, but the taste of fish still lingered in the back of his throat. Even with the practical joke, Aaron had been looking for an excuse to leave the table.
I do not belong in her world.
He recalled the pity in her eyes when he had told her the truth in his chambers. A woman as pretty and fine as Marina deserved a husband who was not a monster. Not a man she would pity.
“Your Grace, the Baron of Wallace is here to call on you.”
Aaron turned to the doorway with a frown when the butler suddenly announced the arrival. “Have him join the ladies for tea.” He dismissed the intrusion, hoping to turn back to his thoughts.
“I have already suggested that, Your Grace. The baron is insistent upon seeing you, and not the ladies.”
“Oh, very well, send him in.” Aaron sighed reluctantly and made his way to his desk, taking a seat as the butler disappeared.
It did not take the man very long to reappear with the baron following close behind. “Baron Wallace, Your Grace.”
Gesturing for the baron to have a seat, Aaron waited patiently for him to state his business.
“Thank you for seeing me on such short notice, Your Grace. I know that a man like you must be very busy.” The baron fidgeted with the edge of his coat before taking a seat.
“What is it that you need, Wallace?” Aaron could already feel his patience thinning as the man spluttered.
“Straight to the point then, I see, very efficient. You see there, was the matter of Marina’s dowry…” His face paled a little when Aaron moved his head from side to side, making a dull cracking sound.
“I excused the dowry payment to make amends for my brother’s poor behavior.” A sinking feeling that he knew exactly how the visit would end, began to take Aaron over.
“And a very generous gesture that was, Your Grace. It is just that taking care of her mother as well as her sister has not been cheap. The bulk of the estate passed to me, but only a small portion was left to the late baron’s wife and daughters.”
Aaron cut him short when he could see the direction that the conversation was headed. “And that expense has been lifted from your shoulders as well. I see to all of their needs now; none of the financial burdens are yours to bear.”
“And I am grateful for that, Your Grace. It is just that I have looked after them for a whole year. I am sure you are aware of the fact that it takes a great deal of capital to look after young ladies. Had the Dowager Baroness accepted my offer of marriage from the beginning, I would have assumed more responsibility, but she chose not to accept,” he muttered under his breath.
“Just what is it that you are asking of me?”
The man paled noticeably before flicking his tongue over his dry lips. “I was hoping that since you showed such generosity toMarina’s mother and sister, you would be open to compensating me for my efforts as well.”
“Money. You want money,” Aaron remarked dryly, seeing the man for what he was. There had been rumors of the baron’s greed, but he had not realized just how greedy the man was.
“Well, yes, I did foot the bill so to speak for a year.” The baron lifted his head proudly.
Placing the palms of his hands flat on the desk, Aaron pushed himself up and stared down at the man. “Leave my house, Wallace. Leave and never come back here ever again.”
The look of panic in the man’s eyes was quickly replaced by one of anger. “I should have known that the stories about you were true. They said that your personality was just as hideous as your face. Well, I can see now that Marina will live a harsh life filled with cruelty if she is to stay married to you.”
Pulling himself up to his full height, Aaron raised his voice. “Leave now before I have you thrown out!”
The baron cowered beneath his withering stare and scurried from the room, leaving Aaron alone as he slumped back into his chair.
Will I be doomed to live a life of scorn forever?
He ran his fingers over the scar on his cheek, wishing for the thousandth time that things could have been different.
Chapter 15
Giving herself the once over in the mirror, Marina made sure that everything was in place. From her neatly pinned hair to the folds of her satin dress that fell to the floor. So much was riding on the dinner she had planned, especially after her sister’s behavior.
Shaking her head, Marina could not help but smile as she thought of the tea. She had been furious at the time, but it now brought a smile to her lips. Springing a dinner on Aaron did not seem like the best plan, but it seemed like a far better one than having her sister over again.
“Your guests have arrived, Your Grace.” Isolde popped her head around the corner and smiled.