Page 10 of Recon Rendezvous
But it’s too late. Snark, I can do all day. But this Xander… I don’t think so.
“Breadstiiicks!”Closing my eyes to belt that out from my diaphragm, I sway a little before righting myself with a laugh.Breadsticks for the motherfucking win. I caught my second wind after Gem and Sasha practically shoved delicious buttery breadsticks and garlic knots down my throat. Carbs are the devil, and I ask myself daily if they are worth it, but today, they are heavenly gifts from the gods.
Staring at myself in the restroom mirror, I run my fingers through my hair before replacing my headband. Alright, you’re holding up pretty well, I coach, wiping away the smudged eyeliner from under my eyes. It's been a long freaking day and exhaustion is riding me, but I'm going to make it to the last bar, even if the girls have to drag me or one of these boys tosses me over their shoulder.
Bending, I cup my hand under the water to rinse the disgusting combination of booze and garlic from my mouth. I wish I had my toothbrush. Ooh, I have mints. Popping one in, I swish a little water around my mouth. Finally feeling like I can speak to people without melting their faces off, I reapply my lip gloss. Giving my liver a little pep talk,you can do it,I fling open the door and come to an abrupt halt.
Turning to a girl in a hoodie, he winks at her. “Give us five minutes.”
She nods and moves to stand in front of the door as he pushes me back inside.
Sighing, I walk over to the sink, lean a hip against it, and cross my arms. Turning toward the mirror, I give my hair another fluff. “What can you do for me, Alexander?”
“Well, my mouth can't wait to play with your pussy again.”
Meeting his gaze in the mirror, I can’t stop the laughter from flying out. “That’s not happening, but I’m open…” His brows shoot up and I laugh again as I turn to him. “I’m open to aconversationto clear the air, especially since we’ll be seeing a lot more of each other.”
His eyes narrow as he considers my words. “What do you mean?”
“I’m surprised you haven’t heard. I’m moving here, to Chicago.”
Several emotions flash across his face in such a quick succession, I can’t process them all as his eyes widen, then narrow again as his jaw tightens, and I can practically hear the grinding of his teeth as he stares me down.
“You’re moving here?” His voice is flat, without inflection, as he stares at the wall over my left shoulder.
“Yes. I need a change and growth in my career and there are some amazing opportunities that I’m interested in here. So, I decided to come visit and start looking for a place.”
“What if none of theseopportunitiespan out?” His smirk irritates me, but I ignore his slight.
“Doesn’t matter. I want to be closer to my family and further my career, and I can do both of those things here.”
“Sure.” He nods slowly.
When he doesn’t add anything else, I try to prompt him. “What did you need to talk to me about?”
He scans my face again before his eyes shift away. “Nothing. Never mind. Good luck with everything.” Before I can respond, he’s thrown open the door and barrels out.
Standing there speechless, my gaze remains trained on the door he practically ran through. I don’t know what I was expecting but it wasn’t that.
She’s moving here.Fuck my life. That was the last thing I expected, and my brain keeps playing her little speech over and over as I ride the elevator up to Ty and Sasha’s place for brunch. After the day we had yesterday, I want nothing more than something heavy and preferably greasy as fuck rolling around in my stomach, soaking up all this excess alcohol.
Stepping out into the foyer, the aroma of chicken and waffles greets me right before the ringing of laughter tells me I may be the last one to arrive. Following the sound, I move into the open concept kitchen and family room, immediately scanning the space for London since I overheard her mentioning staying here until she buys her own place.
Sasha, Gem, and Mia are sprawled around the oversized black U-shaped couch, looking like I feel—hungover as fuck. Seemingly comfy as hell in hoodies and leggings, I snort at Gem wearing some kind of mask or goggles over her eyes with her head resting on a pillow. To my left, the guys are in the kitchen. Eli and Drew offering no help but hovering like vultures as Ty preps the food. No London in sight.
“Ladies!” I call out. “You all look like shit.”
“Shhhh! Why are you yelling?” Mia whisper shouts, holding her head.
“Inside voices, please,” Gem mumbles from her perch.
Sasha looks over, giving me a half-hearted wave before her eyes close again, and I suppress a laugh. I don’t think I’ve ever seen them in such bad shape.