Page 11 of Recon Rendezvous
“You girls are getting old. Can’t handle your liquor like you used to.” Considering they each turned twenty-five in the last six months, I know these are fighting words. For some reason, they’re super sensitive at any mention of this. Oh, and when someone calls themma’am, the claws come out. Hissing follows me and I swear I can feel the daggers lobbed at my back as I head over to the kitchen.
“Gentlemen. Hey, where’s Coco?” Ty and Sasha have the cutest little mutt. She’s usually my cuddle buddy when I hang around these lovey dovey assholes.
“She’s spending the weekend with my parents. You know how my mom is.Bring me my grand puppy.” We laugh and I think his mom is just excited for grandkids one day and trying not to pressure them so she’s practicing with Coco.
Rubbing my hands together, I scan the chafing dishes lined up along the black marble island. “What’s on the menu today?”
Ty nods before pointing to each dish. “Eggs. Hash browns. Biscuits. Gravy. Chicken. Waffles. Bacon. Fruit salad.”
“Damn. All my favorites. I’m gonna go wash my hands so I can dig in.”
Not waiting for a response, I turn and head down the hall toward the guestrooms. I have a feeling London would hide herself away from Ty and Sasha and take the one furthest from their room. Noticing the ajar door at the end of the hall, I know I’m right. Giving it a few light raps, I push it open when there’s no response.
Stepping in, I scan the room. Sasha’s decorating hasn’t quite made it this far yet. Ty’s design choices of all black everything surrounds me with the plush black rug, black and gray bedding, and black velvet chaise at the foot of the queen-sized bed. This dark space doesn’t fit her flits through my head as I note her clothes and my hoodie I had Drew offer her last night are scattered along the floor, the unmade bed in the middle of the room, and water running in the adjoining restroom. Hearing it shut off, I quickly turn, closing and locking the door before striding to her bed and taking a seat.
Stepping out a minute later, London jumps, her hand flying to her chest when she spots me. Fear and surprise quickly morph into anger as her eyes narrow. Dressed in a fitted black tank and black leggings, she’s basically cosplaying cat woman as she stalks toward me.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” she snarls, fire flaming in those sexy eyes.
Fuck, why is that so hot?
“What? I just came to check on you, scaredy cat.”
She tilts her head, looking me over. “You got a haircut.”
I flash a grin, running a hand through my freshly shorn hair. “Yeah. You said I needed one.”
Stopping in front of me, her eyes narrow before she waves a hand around. “Get up. I know you don’t have your dirty outside clothes on my bed.” Her eyes drift down before bulging. “Ew! You’re wearing your shoes in here? Were you raised by wolves?”
I look down at my sweats and leather sneakers and before I form a retort, she holds up her hand.
“I know, I know. They’redesigner. But you’ve still been outside in them. Get off my bed. I need to wash these sheets now.” She starts yanking the sheets and practically sends me flying.
I move aside, only because I’m afraid she’s going to hurt me. “Babycakes, I’m more than happy to really get them dirty.” I shoot her a wink. “You know my dick is still singing your pussy's praises.”
Sighing, she continues to rip the bedding from the bed. Stepping to the other side to help, I tug at the gray sheets, watching and waiting for an answer.
“Listen, I’m not adding you to my body count, so get over it,” she finally says.
Dumbstruck, I choke on air before I can spit out, “I'm already a notch on your belt. Probably the biggest one.”
Shaking her head, she throws the sheets to the floor. “No, I decided not to count that one.”
“What the fuck does that mean? I put in work. I practically had you screaming my name. You can’t just decide I don’t count.” I can’t fucking believe we’re arguing about this.
She has the brass to fucking laugh as she removes her pillowcases. “I've decided that I can because you know, karma.”
“What?” She’s lost me completely.
“You know how much sex women have without getting off? Or he doesn’t call after? It’s time we take our power back, and you get ten minutes to prove yourself.” She nods to herself as she continues to work.
“Holy shit.” Realization hits like a fucking sledgehammer. Moving around the bed, I shift into her path. “But I beat the shot clock, you got off, and I definitely would have called after.” Stepping in closer, she tilts her head up to meet my gaze. “Fuck that, I can practically still taste you, remember how tight your little pussy was. Don't pretend you didn't enjoy it.”
She clears her throat as the pulse in her neck jumps. “I didn't say I didn't enjoy it. I'm just saying it doesn't count.”
“So why don't we rectify that?” Taking advantage of this moment, I stroke her cheek with my thumb before sliding itagainst her plump pink lips. “Would it count if I come in your mouth or your pussy? What about your ass? Sounds to me like you regret leaving me hard and lonely.”
She exudes a sexy indifference with just a roll of her eyes. “I don’t know about that, but I’ll let you know after I do some additional research. I’ll be sure to ask the next guy these in-depth questions.”