Page 50 of Recon Rendezvous
“I guess I’ll just have to wait my turn. I’m sure this will be just like the others, but I’m playing the long game.”
Ugh. The thought of being lumped in as just another notch on his bedpost doesn’t sit well with me. Never mind, they are vile.
“I don’t know. I heard he was so cocky.”
“Yes, I heard it was huge. That’s what I want, girl! I just gotta know if I can take it.”
“You should finally shoot your shot before he’s pulled off the shelves like Eli and Ty.”
“Ugh, don’t remind me. I really wanted to ask them if they would be interested in a poly situation, but I missed my chance, apparently.”
They laugh as I silently fume, my fists balling of their own accord. I don’t share and he’s mine until I’m done with him. They may be waiting a while.
“Haha! You’re stupid. Come on, let’s walk by his table. Maybe we can at least say hi.”
Once they finally exit, I can breathe a little easier as I make my way back to the sink to wash my hands. Taking in my wide eyes in the mirror, I try to digest what I heard.
Xander is hot, so naturally, other women notice, but it was the “flavor of the week” comment that’s giving me pause. But why do I care? I want him for sex, so I can’t be mad that he’s experienced because I get toenjoythat experience. He’s made me come more times in the last week than I have fingers and toes. I hate the thrum of heat that flows through me at the thought, but I can’t fault him for how he chose to live his life. Right? Right.
That was before me, but I can’t deny I get the ick thinking about him with other women. What about after me? Would he look at her the way he looks at me? Would he remember her favorite food and order it when she’s sad? Ugh, I don’t need this shit.
Sighing, I step out into the hall and meander back to our table that’s now covered in the appetizers we ordered. As I approach, Xander hurriedly stands and sets his phone down, and I don’t give him a second before I drop my next question.
“Are you a fuckboy?”
His smile falters as he stares at me before he gestures to my seat. “I’ll answer your question, but please sit down first.”
Rolling my eyes, I slide into the booth, and he does the same, but this time I’m sure to leave several inches between us. Crossing my arms, I eye him again. “So, are you?”
His head cocks to the side as he considers his words before answering. “People think I am, or at least that’s what they tell me.”
“But what do you want to be? You don’t seem like the type to let other people define you. But you are the type who likes to hook up because it’s easy and you’ve probably never had to work for anything.”
He scoffs. “What even is a fuckboy?”
Nodding, I say, “Exactly what a fuckboy would say.”
“Hold up, seriously. I want to make sure I answer your question as honestly as possible.”
He picks up his phone from the table and starts typing away.
“What are you doing?” I ask, leaning over to catch a peek at his screen.
“I’m looking up the definition on Urban Dictionary.”
I watch in fascination as his eyes widen, before he grunts then nods his head and he finally meets my eyes.
“Care to share with the class?”
“Yes. I just had to make sure I wasn’t one first. You freaked me out.” Sliding closer, he tilts his phone screen to me so I can see the many definitions and examples of a fuckboy.
“First off, right here, it says he lies to get what he wants from a girl.” Pointing to his chest, his eyes are hard as they hold mine. “I never lie to women. If anything, they lie to me. I’m upfront about what I want and what I’m offering. Maybe I’ve been messing around with fuckgirls?” He squints his eyes as he considers. “I’m looking that shit up next.”
“What else does it say?” I push.
“Well, this part is true.”
My heart immediately plummets because of fucking course.