Page 51 of Recon Rendezvous
“It says, ‘he’s usually very beautiful.’” His hand moves up and down, gesturing to his face and body as if to say, look at me.
“Hmm, I thought you said you didn’t lie?”
“Damn, babycakes. You’re not pulling any punches. Alrighty. NEXT!” He counts off on his fingers. “I don’t play with women’s feelings, I’d never ghost anyone, and I’m not a fucking cheater.”
“Fine.” I shrug.
“Yeah.” I nod.
“That’s it? You believe me?”
“Yes, well, I still want to learn more about fuckgirls,” I say, picking up my wine.
“Oh, this should be good. I have a feeling you aren’t going to like what you hear.”
“Hey!” I nudge his shoulder as I practically splutter my wine. “I don’t think so, stud.”
“I appreciate your confidence, even when you’re wrong.” Reading from his phone, he just laughs, but doesn’t let me see, giving me the cold shoulder.
“Read it aloud.”
“You sure? Because, right now, in this moment, you’re still right. You’re still my good girl. Once I read this, you’re just my favorite fuckgirl.”
Ignoring his jibes, I wave my hand in a bring it on gesture. “Yeah, right. Come on.”
“Okay, let’s see. A fuckgirl… plays games, strings guys along, wears badass shoes, and doesn’t want a boyfriend.”
Two breaths. That’s how long we both last before we burst out laughing.
“Fuck, it’s the shoes! I’m a total fuckgirl!”
“Babycakes, it’s more than your sexy ass shoes, but I’ll let you have that one, but fortunately for us, it looks like my kink is fuckgirl fuckery.”
Glancing down at my phone, I check the text from Xander again. It’s been almost a week since our impromptu night out, and I don’t know when or where he got his hands on my phone, but he’s saved himself asOmega AF. Either way, these sorts of texts are frequent enough, along with thegood mornings, how’s your day going, miss you, goodnight, babyor random memeshe finds funny. I don’t know how we got here, but I think I like it. However, frenemies with benefits doesn’t include lunch, does it?
Lunch is code for fucking, pops up on my screen a second later.
Laughing, I begin gathering my things. I have nothing else going on. Ty and Sasha are both out and everyone else has a job, except for me, though I’m confident I’ll hear something back this week.
Sure. I love lunch.
You’re perfect. I’m looking forward to seeing your beautiful face. See you at my office for a nooner.
My heart gives a little squeeze. Xander is so free with his affection and praise. It’s taking some getting used to, I thought he was full of crap, but I’m learning he means what he says.
Thankfully, I’ve just showered but I’m dressed comfortably. Frowning at myself in the mirror, these leggings won’t do. I guess I could also put on some sexy matching lingerie versus these simple black bikini panties and sports bra. No, wait. Should I do no panties? I shake my head. No, he likes to collect them like trophies and who am I to deny the man his simple pleasures.
Changing into my favorite black pleated skirt, fitted black sheer shirt, I throw on my new black stiletto pumps with a metallic gold heel, give my ankles a spray of perfume because I know they’ll be on his shoulder soon, and I’m ready to go.
Arriving at the address Xander sent me, he’s right. We’d practically be neighbors if I get the job I really want. Hmm, what did he call this? A nooner. I could see more of these in my future.
Xander mentioned his offices take up the entire top floor, so I jump on the elevator as anticipation flows along my skin. I haven’t seen Xander since our impromptu night of twenty questions. After which, he was such a gentleman, escorting me home and leaving me all horny with just a kiss. Had I known thatwould lead me here to midday orgasms, I would have suggested thislunchso much sooner.
Stepping off the elevator, I’m met with views of Chicago and a sleek white marble lobby.Grant AF Bankingin a gorgeous gold script adorns the wall behind the large gold and marble desk. Two blonde receptionists sit behind it, smiling at me like Cheshire cats.