Page 56 of Recon Rendezvous
Feeling like a cat lazing in the sun, I pull our bodies closer, the soft fabric of Xander’s vest and slacks tickling my skin.
“Oh, shit. Your suit.” I try to pull away, realizing I’m ruining his sexy as hell charcoal suit.
“Maybe this makes us even. I get your panties, and you get all the suits you let me fuck you in.”
I shake my head, hiding my smile, I burrow into his neck again chasing the feel of his strong pulse against my lips. God, I laugh with him as easily as I come. “Deal,” I whisper.
We sit there a little longer when I realize, this is the first time I’ve let him hold me after sex. Usually, I get off and get out, in hopes not to step over any lines or our benefits only boundaries, but this is nice. Damn near perfect.
His deep voice rumbles in my ear, sending a shiver through me. “Telling you to get dressed goes against every fiber of my being. But now that I’ve had dessert, it’s time for lunch and I’ve ordered your favorites.”
How does he do it? Knows what I need before I do.
My little plan may have just backfired. Xander isn’t what I expected, but maybe he’s what I need.
Alexander Grant is everywhere. My dreams. The random diner. At the damn dry cleaners.
I need to check my phone or watch or something because he must have placed a tracking device on me, I think as I step out of the shower. But honestly, I can be honest with myself, right? I like it. Ireallylike it.
Xander’s the definition of attentive when we’re together, always asking questions and actually listens to the response. At lunch the other day, we talked about everything and nothing, from our childhood dreams to our collegiate misadventures. Me, growing up as an only child. Him, growing up as the youngestof four in a charming little town where everyone knew everyone. His love of swimming and my love of running. To what shows we’re currently watching. The cynic in me can’t help but think he’s only doing this because he’s getting something out of it, that the newness will wear off and I’ll see the real him soon.
It’s a bit of a double-edged sword. I’m hopeful for his failure, for his downfall to be swift and painless because I hate to admit it, but he’s growing on me. Because the sooner I see the real him, the sooner we can move on and maybe not be friends, but he’ll have scratched this itch that I suddenly can’t get rid of without his hands on me.
My eyes snag on the gorgeous vases of red flowers on the bedside tables. I’m not sure what they’re called, but the pop of color is a nice touch in the dark room. I’ll have to remember to thank Sasha when I see her. She seems to change these out each week and I appreciate her attention to detail. Each arrangement has been more lovely than the next.
Dressing quickly in leggings and a soft oversized sweater because I just can’t be bothered today. I throw on tinted moisturizer, eyeliner, mascara, and call it a day. Unwrapping my hair, I run a comb through it quickly as I check my phone and the text from Zuri.
Heffa, don’t make me fly across the country. Call me.
I smile at her words. This is her way of saying she misses me. Climbing onto the bed, I lie across it, considering if I should call or text her back. While I love the girls, they’ve been amazingly sweet and supportive, I need my best friend right now. The maelstrom in my head is too much for me to handle today. Everything is whipping me around like the spin cycle.
Hmm. Opening the internet browser, I navigate to what I need, check the times, and take a few screenshots.
Moving over to my texts, I find my group chat with Sasha, Gem, and Mia. Shooting off an idea that’s forming even as I type.
Who’s ready for a few days in Seattle? I need to see my bestie. Here are the flights. We leave 2day. Which works best?
Responses roll in immediately.
Me! Whatever works for you. I’ll make it work.Sasha texts.
Hell yeah. I agree with Sasha. I’m in that thang!Gem adds.
I love these girls, and their no questions asked approach to friendship and support.
Yay! How soon can you pack? I want to get there as soon as possible and there’s a flight that leaves in a little over three hours.Thank goodness it was still early. We had a long, hectic travel day ahead of us.
Sasha finally responds.Sorry, I’m packing in my head. I’m sure the other two are too. I’ll be home in ten minutes. Can’t wait!
We made it!
Stepping up to Zuri’s door, I bring my fingers to my lips to stifle my laughter before knocking. I never responded to her texts and she’s going to be so surprised.
Quickly covering the peephole, I lower my voice, adding as much bass as I can. “Open up.”