Page 57 of Recon Rendezvous
I can practically hear her growl before she calls out, “Fuck off, asshole. You got the wrong one. Fuck around and find out.”
Removing my hand, I burst out laughing. My girl does not play!
Her answering squeal fills me with joy and as she flings the door open, our screams pierce the quietness of the late afternoon, and then we’re hugging and rocking back and forth.
“Oh my god, what the hell are you doing here?”
“I have nothing but free time, so I thought I’d come see you. I could tell you were dying without me.” I squeeze her a little tighter.
“You’re right. I was dying of fucking boredom. I’m so happy you’re here,” she says as we continue our rocking.
“Plus, I have to do a final walk through of my place, so I thought, why not, you know? So, here we are!”
Finally pulling away, she quirks a brow, meeting my gaze. “We?”
“Yeah, I brought the girls with me. They’re back at the house I rented for our little getaway.” I laugh as she pulls me into her condo. Inhaling deeply, I’m immediately comforted by the familiar scent of her apple cinnamon muffins.
“Are you baking me muffins? You must have a bestie radar. You totally knew I was coming! Eek! Something told me I had to get my ass to Seattle today.”
She rolls her eyes. “That must be it and not that I also love them. Get your butt in here and get comfortable. I’ll grab muffins and coffee, and you can tell me why you’re here. I have a feeling this is going to be good.”
Kicking my boots off, I move into the dim room, running my fingertips along the back of the deep purple velvet couch. Bringing a gold pillow to my lap, I look around. Zuri’s place has such a relaxing, comfy vibe, and I’ve missed it. I appreciate Ty and Sasha allowing me to live with them while I get my life together, but their penthouse is immaculate. Ultra-modern. Hi-tech. And a gazillion dollars. Don’t get me wrong. I like nicethings,hello, shoes, exhibit A, but for my next place, I want something a little homier with lots of character. Or maybe something fun and whimsical.
Actually, I like my parents’ Craftsman and the house I rented for this trip. Maybe my style is evolving. Either way, I want something spacious, but that feels comforting and warm, like Zuri’s place. Maybe it’s just the memories talking. Or her baking that she does with so much love, but this is my safe space. The place I ran to after too many nights where too many horrible words crashed past my defenses and chipped away at my self-worth, cracked my confidence. This is where I came to get glued back together. I don’t know if she knows just what she did for me.
Glancing up, Zuri balances a tray loaded with fresh goodies, a huge smile on her face, as her nonexistent hips sway to the music she has softly pumping through the surround sound speakers.
My gorgeous friend is wearing a sleeveless black catsuit with a gorgeous red and black floor length kaftan. Once she places the tray down on the round coffee table, I reach over to stroke the silky material.
“Ooh, this is gorgeous. I want one, friend.”
“Right! I’m obsessed with these. It’s from an Ethiopian designer I found tagged on IG. I’ll send you her info. I love all her stuff. It comes in all the sizes.”
“Love that. But you know what I love more?” I ask. “Is that your famous Brown Sugar Apple Iced Coffee?!”
“It sure is. Before you start begging and humping my leg, here you go.”
I’m not in the least embarrassed at the moan that falls from my lips as she hands me probably the best thing I’ve ever had in my mouth.Well, maybe the second best.
My eyes cross as the sweet deliciousness hits my tongue and before I can come down, she hands me a still warm muffin. “Thank you, dear friend,” I mumble around a mouthful.
She chuckles and settles in, leaning back, watching me devour my favorite treats.
“You know, I had no idea it was going to be this difficult giving up your desserts,” I say with a satiated sigh.
“My desserts, huh? Not me?”
“Well, you and your desserts. You know what I mean. But you should consider opening a location in Chicago! Then we can resume our bestie life and conquer a new place together.”
My girl owns a small chain of cafés and being the talented baker that she is, offers the best sweet treats.
Her smile is soft when she asks, “Did you come all the way back here just to tell me that?”
“No, I just thought about it. I’m sure there are plenty of decent cafés in the windy city and I haven’t found them yet, but it would just be so much easier if I had yours.”
“So, if you didn’t come here to convince me to move to Chicago, tell me why you’re here.”
“Well, you called me a heffa and threatened to fly to me. I thought this would be easier since I know you’re busy.”