Page 12 of Fifty
The club is festive. Twinkle lights were added to the stage, and Charlie actually gave us each a little bonus to use to get some holiday themed outfits. I’m not sure where some of these girls shop, but a few of them came back with some really trashy and cheap looking stuff. And I’m fully aware that this isn’t necessarily a high-class establishment, but I try to look as classy as possible. I actually found a few decent pieces, and I’m wearing my favorite accessory tonight. I found a pair of red and white striped thigh-highs that look like candy canes. It’s silly, but I think they’re cute.
I slide up to the bar and watch as Jimmy pours me a drink. I push out a deep breath before taking the glass from his outstretched hand. I lift it and take a long drink. Between Thanksgiving and now Christmas, it’s been an exhausting month. I’ve been picking up extra shifts here and at the diner so that everyone else can have time off with their families. Thankfully I’ve got a few days off for New Years. I could really use the break, even if I just end up spending the whole time curled up on the couch watching Netflix. I can’t say all the extra work wasn’t worth it though. I’ve made a lot of extra cash to stick away for a rainy day, plus I’ve had a couple more visits from Fifty at the diner.
“Finally got some time off, huh?” Jimmy asks.
“Yeah. I can’t wait to just chill out and watch movies,” I answer.
“Well, you deserve it. You’ve been busting your ass around here the past few weeks,” he acknowledges and I smile back.
“Thanks, Jimmy. Have a happy New Year,” I offer before tipping back the last of my glass and sliding it back over to him.
“You too, doll. I’ll see ya next week,” he gives a small wave as I head for the door where Marco is waiting to walk me to my car.
My alarm buzzes against my bedside table. It can’t be time already. I feel like I just crawled into bed and closed my eyes. I peel my eyes open and double check the time, and it’s right. At least I only have one last shift at the diner and then I’m finally on my mini vacation.
I slip out from under the warm covers and move instantly into the small kitchen of my tiny studio apartment. After pulling out a clean mug and pressing the flashing button to start my coffee, I take a couple more steps into the bathroom.
As I catch my reflection in the mirror, there is no doubt that I look as tired as I feel. Today might require a little extra make-up. After relieving myself quickly, I’m back in the kitchen to get my coffee. I sip the hot drink as I throw on my clothes, and then I’m out the door, not wanting to be late. Gloria and Dave have been understanding, but I don’t want to take advantage of their kindness.
At the diner, I move on auto-pilot. I take orders and deliver food, refilling coffee mugs and water glasses periodically as I rush around the dining room. I’m standing at the register when I see him through the glass. He’s larger than life as he steps through the door, a broad smile lighting up his face. I usually hear his bike before I see him.
Then I see her.
He holds the door open for her to step inside. Her smile is just as bright as his and she’s beautiful. She’s got long dark hair hanging down over her shoulders and curves like a centerfold. She’s truly stunning. My mind instantly starts to spin.
Who is she?
“Wow. I never thought I’d see the day when Fifty showed up with a girl,” Sadie’s whisper hits me from behind and my stomach twists.
I guess his visits really were just about the food. And all his easy flirting must just be his personality. I push out a deep breath as I reach for the coffee pot. I can do this. He’s just another customer.
“Good morning. Y’all want coffee?” I offer as I step up beside the table and they both look up at me. My mouth goes suddenly dry. I search for words, but my mind is blank and I feel like a complete moron.
“I’ll take some,” he flashes me his typical smile and my skin warms as he watches me start to pour.
“Yes, please,” his company says, as she holds up her mug for me to fill. He makes no move to introduce me to his friend, so I take that as my sign to continue.
“Do y’all need another minute with the menu?” I ask. I know he’s probably memorized it, but I’ve never seen her in here before.
“I’m ready if you are,” he keeps his focus on the girl. My teeth clamp on my lip, chewing softly as I wait.
“You go first,” she smiles at him and my stomach sinks.
I manage to get through taking both their orders, feeling like a robot, before turning and disappearing back into the kitchen. I have no claim, but seeing him here with someone else feels like a straight gut punch. I fill a glass with water and gulp it down, trying to keep myself calm and cool before returning to the dining room.
“Are you okay?” Gloria’s voice fills my ears and I spin around, finding her kind eyes watching me.
“Yeah, I’m good. Just a little surprised, that’s all. I’ll be okay. I can handle it,” I answer trying to pep myself up for another round.
“For what it’s worth, I don’t think there’s anything going on there,” Gloria offers and I feel my eyebrows pinch. “Oh, honey. I have known that boy his whole life, and I have never seen him light up like he does when he looks at you. Even sitting with another girl, his eyes were watching you the whole time,” she offers.
“My God. I still can’t believe he’s here with a girl,” Sadie comes rushing through the door with her hands full of dirty dishes. “Did you get a name, or any details?” she begs for more info about Fifty’s mystery girl and I just shake my head in response.
“Jade, order up!” Dave’s voice barks and I move to the line to pick up my plates. I take one more deep breath and push the door open with my backside. I turn, finding them deep in conversation. They’re still laughing as I set their plates down, and I can’t help but feel like I’m interrupting a private moment.
“Is there anything else I can get you?” I ask softly.