Jade’s childhood felt like an act. It was a role she was forced to play and she didn’t want to conform anymore. After graduating high school, she chose to leave that life behind, and she’s spent the last four years searching for a real home. Now she’s settled in Rock Hill and doing what needs to be done to make ends meet, and it isn’t long before the members of the local motorcycle club appear on her radar. Or maybe she is on theirs?
Fifty is comfortable right where he is. He learned the power of his fists at a young age, and now he focuses that energy into his role as Enforcer for the Lucifer’s Savages MC. He loves his MC and he’s an expert at charming the ladies. But the dynamics start to change as he watches as some of his best friends make commitments to the women in their lives, a move he never expected any of them to make. And despite his mom’s dreams of seeing him married with babies, he just can’t imagine anything like that in his future.
Will Jade find the family she’s been searching for, or will her secrets destroy any hope she has for a future in Rock Hill? Has Fifty finally met his match in Jade or will her presence pit brother against brother?