Page 24 of Fifty
“Come back and see me when you get another minute. I’ll give you Fifty’s number,” Shark offers and I feel my heart quicken.
“You’d do that?” I question, turning back.
“Sure, but I need a favor first,” a broad grin grows on his face and I feel my stomach twist. Shark pulling the strings may not be my best option. Unfortunately, right now, it’s my only option.
The hot water runs down over my body, leaving me with the fresh and clean feeling that I’ve been craving since the second I stepped out of the club at the end of my shift. At least I made some decent money tonight. The bachelor party hung out most of the night, and at one point or another almost all of them slipped me a fifty or a hundred. At last count, I had somewhere close to two grand. The only other bonus from working tonight was seeing Shark.
He actually came through and I left with Fifty’s number in my phone, and the cost was a lot less painful than expected. Despite his still aggressive flirting, I think someone else has finally managed to catch his attention, because all he wanted was an introduction to Kandi. Shark was afraid if he approached her on his own that she’d think he was just another creep. When I left, they were chatting at the bar and having a drink together.
I scrub the lingering sweat from my skin, then reach for the shampoo and lather up my long hair. After rinsing and taking another minute to condition, I finally turn the water off. Stepping out, I wrap a large soft towel snuggly around my chest.
I dry myself quickly and reach for my body lotion, slathering on a thick layer of the sweet-smelling cream. The scent always lingers, leaving the bathroom smelling like vanilla cupcakes for hours after I use it. I grab the towel again and pull it tight around my body before opening the door and leaving the steam filled room.
It’s beyond late, but my stomach grumbles so I head for the kitchen. After opening the fridge and two cabinets, I realize it’s time to make a grocery run. I reach for the box of brown sugar cinnamon Pop-tarts and drop two into the toaster. I quickly fill a glass with ice water, and manage to gulp down half of it while I wait for them to finish toasting.
With my water and Pop-tarts in hand, I plop down on the couch. I set the water down on the side table and let my body relax into the cushions as I pull a soft blanket over my lap and take a large bite from my sweet cinnamon treat. I reach over to the side table and grab my phone, glancing at the screen as I chew.
It’s late, but he could still be up. I tap the screen and open my messages app, but my mind goes blank as I try to figure out what to type.
*It’s Jade. I bumped into Shark and he gave me your number. Can we talk when you get back in town?
My fingers manage to move on the keys, and I re-read it about ten times before finally hitting send. I tried my best to keep it short and to the point. I’m hoping it will be enough to get his attention and maybe re-open the door. It beeps in my lap, and I pull in a sharp breath, almost choking on my mouth full of Pop-tart.
*I’ll be back Sunday. Will you be around?
My smile grows as I read his response. I honestly wasn’t sure he’d respond, and definitely didn’t expect something this quickly. My fingers go back to work.
*I have the day off, so I’ll be around.
I reach for my glass, taking a long drink to wash down the remaining dry crumbs as I wait for the tiny beep to hit my ears again. Setting the water back to the side, I let my eyes move over the screen.
*Let’s meet up. I’ll text you when I get back.
I wish I could get a read on his tone. Texting can be so hard sometimes. I push out a deep breath as I type back,*Okay. Sounds good.
Then it comes through. There are no words, it’s just a simple winking emoji, but it’s enough to make my heart race. It reminds me of his flirty and playful nature, and it fills me with a warm hopeful feeling that maybe he’ll understand why I left that morning. It’s the perfect way to end my long night.
“What’s up?” Big E. questions as he sets a bottle of Bud down in front of me, before taking the seat across from me.
“Nothin’,” I reply, lifting the bottle and taking a long pull.
“Don’t give me that shit, boy. I see that goo-goo eye look all over your fuckin’ face. I may be an old man around you young guys, but I’ve been there,” he grins back, letting out a low chuckle.
“Alright…alright. It’s that girl, the one from New Year’s. She ditched me, so I figured she wasn’t interested, but she just texted me. She wants to hang out,” I share.
“So, does this mean the revolving door is closing? Is this a new Fifty I’m seeing? Or ishang outjust code for another hook-up?” he asks.
“Fuck, man. I honestly don’t even know, but I can’t imagine this girl just being into a casual hook-up,” I breathe.
“But she did it once, right? Maybe she liked the thrill and got a taste for it. Or shit, you used protection, right? This isn’t some, surprise I’m pregnant moment, is it?” Big E.’s eyes go wide and I shake my head.
“No way. I wrapped up. And I’ve had my fair share of thrill chasers, she’s not one. She’s sweet and different from any other girl I’ve spent time with. I’m not even sure how to explain it. It feels crazy as shit, but it’s a good crazy, if that makes any fuckin’ sense,” I try to explain.