Page 49 of Fifty
“Jade, I need to know,” Cora finally joins the conversation, glancing up from her nails. “Were you really dancing at that strip club?” her hushed question hits me unexpectedly hard.
“Cora!” Ayla’s sharp response stops her before either of us can utter another word.
“What?” Cora asks, completely oblivious.
“It’s okay,” I finally speak up. “To answer your question, yes, I did work there. But I wasn’t dancing when I was spending time with Fifty, I was just waitressing,” I share.
“I’m sorry,” Cora offers, her eyes wide with the sudden realization. “I was just curious. I’ve never known anyone who…never mind. It’s really none of my business,” she rattles.
“It’s okay, really. Just forget it,” I say, letting her off easy.
“What are you going to do now that you’re back? Are you going back to Gloria’s?” Ayla asks.
“No. I love Gloria and Dave, but while I was away, I realized that I want more. And reconnecting with my parents opened up a few options for me. I’m actually going back to school,” I tell them.
“You must be excited,” Ayla smiles back.
“I am, but to be honest, I’m a little nervous too. But enough about me and my drama. How have you all been?” I ask, trying to get the focus off of me for a few minutes.
“We’re good. We’re actually making a trip home too,” Ayla answers.
“Where is that again?” I ask. I’m sure Fifty mentioned it at some point, but it’s not a detail I retained.
“New Hampshire. We’re heading north for a week,” Ayla smiles back.
“And you’re both going?” I try to keep the conversation focused on them.
“Actually, it’s a club trip,” Cora replies flippantly.
“Oh…” I breathe, unsure where to go from here.
“The town that Cora and I grew up in has an annual bike week. We used to work it, serving drinks, it’s how we got introduced to the guys last summer. This’ll be the first year that we get to go and don’t have to work too,” Ayla releases an easy laugh and I feel a smile pull at my lips.
“Well, it was nice to see you both, but I guess I better give up my seat now that my nails are dry. I hope you all have a fun trip,” I tell them as I stand from my seat. I know I’ve already been sitting here for too long.
At one time, I imagine that I could have been friends with them. I could be sitting here alongside them getting my nails done and getting ready to go on a trip with the club. But that chance is gone, and listening to them talk about the guys is just too much right now.
“It was really good to see you,” Ayla offers a gentle glance and Cora flashes a bright smile while pulling one of her hands away from the nail tech and giving me a quick wave.
I practically run from the nail salon. My hands and body start to tremble as I move. And I’m in full panic attack by the time I slide into my car. My freshly manicured hands lift to cover my face as the tears begin to stream down my cheeks, and I struggle to find air.
I haven’t let myself really think about him. I’ve made an effort to push him from my mind, and for the most part, it seemed to keep me functioning. But being back here, and now being forced to face what we had; the heartbreak is crushing me.
I miss him.
And I think…I might have been falling in love with him.
“Coffee, darlin’?” Gloria’s southern drawl is in full swing this morning.
“Please,” I nod. “I need the boost,” I smile back at her. I’ve spent the past week tossing and turning every night. Fifty has crept back into my brain ever since I bumped into Ayla and Cora, and his presence has been wreaking havoc on my sleep.
“Are you nervous?” she questions as she starts to fill my cup.
“Only a little. I took a tour of campus and it was nice. It’s just been a while since I had to focus on school work. I hope I can handle it,” I half joke.
“When do you start?” she asks.