Page 48 of Fifty
“I know you are and I forgive you,” her soft voice fills my ears. “But you need to talk to someone, that much is obvious. And it’s okay if you don’t want to talk to me, but you can’t keep doing this. I won’t sit back and watch you self-destruct. You can say all the hurtful shit you want, but I’m not going to lose you,” she pours out.
“Damn, am I really that bad?” I release a rough laugh. And even though I’m trying to joke my way through this, I know that she’s serious and I also know that she’s right. I push out a deep breath, preparing myself to lay it all on the table.
“Jade’s gone,” I finally say the words out loud. I’m sure Ayla had already figured it out, but it’s the first time I’ve actually admitted it to anyone.
“What do you mean, gone?” she asks me to clarify.
“I mean fucking gone, like she left South Carolina and went back to Georgia. Apparently, she decided to go back home with the rich ass parents she was keeping a secret,” I explain, feeling the rage returning.
“Have you tried to call her or text her? Or is it just done?” she questions.
“Done. I’m fucking done. Honestly, Ay, I don’t know how you survived when you went back to New Hampshire and left Kane behind. It’s so fucking shitty,” I say. And it’s true. If it hadn’t been for the booze and weed numbing the pain over the past month, I never would’ve survived.
Ayla’s hand falls softly on my knee as my head drops heavy in my hands. I can’t share this shit with any of my brothers, they’ll just say I’m acting like a pussy. Or more likely, tell me to find some new piece of ass and get over it. I’ve tried, it’s not fucking cutting it.
“It’ll get easier, especially if she’s not going to be around as a reminder. But it’s definitely going to take some time. I mean, you actually let her in. You introduced her to your mom and the club. It’s not going to magically go away overnight, if that’s what you’re hoping for,” she throws in a reality check.
“Well, I know one thing that’ll help right now,” I stand, reaching for her hand and lifting her easily from her seat.
“And what’s that?” she questions offering an easy laugh.
“A tall stack of blueberry pancakes,” I grin back.
“Are you sure going to Gloria’s is the best idea?” her voice is hesitant.
“Why not? I’ll go back to where it all started and face it head on. C’mon, let’s go,” I say already feeling better.
Iwatch as the second layer of bright purple polish glides over my nails. My head lifts, turning towards the front desk when I hear laughter coming from the nail polish selection racks. My eyes fall on two girls, both similar in size and shape with long brown hair. There’s no mistake, it’s Ayla and Cora. What are the odds?
I watch as they follow two nail techs, starting to move in my direction. I drop my gaze back to my own nails, trying with all my might to stay invisible.
“Jade?” Ayla’s surprised voice hits me.
“Hi,” I reply softly as my eyes lift.
“What are you…what are you doing here?” she asks, her wide eyes staring back at me.
“Looks to me like she’s getting her nails done,” Cora’s bubbly voice points out the obvious. Ayla’s eyes roll in response, but Cora seems oblivious as she takes her seat.
“I thought you were gone. I mean, that you moved back to Georgia,” Ayla says as she sits down beside Cora.
Ayla obviously knows more than Cora. I guess I shouldn’t really be surprised. I know that her and Fifty have a special bond.
“I went back to visit with my family. My sister is planning a wedding, and it ended up being a good time to get away,” I explain as minimally as possible.
“I get it completely,” she breathes. Fifty had mentioned that she and Kane had some issues a while back, and even though I don’t know the details, I’m guessing from her tone that she can relate.
“But…” she pauses, “Does he know that you’re back?” the question falls from her lips.
“No,” I shake my head sharply. “And, please, don’t tell him,” I request.
“Okay,” she agrees, but I’m hesitant to believe her. He’ll probably know I’m back in town before the day is over.