Page 50 of Fifty
“Next week. I signed up for one of the summer courses. I figured it would help me get back into it before starting a full course load in the fall,” I explain.
“Well, Dave and I have a little something to help you out,” she smiles, slowly sliding a pale pink envelope in my direction.
“No…I can’t take it,” I start to argue, but her eyes get narrow and she glares back at me.
“You most certainly can, and you will,” she instructs and I touch the envelope, pulling it closer.
“You didn’t have to. Really, I have some saved and my parents are helping with some of it too,” I share, feeling a warmth rise in my cheeks.
“I know, but we wanted to. You’ll always be family here. And I’m sure you won’t be back waitressing any time soon, but we expect to see you in here eating,” she says with a light in her eye.
“Thank you. Really, this means a lot,” I tell her as I slip the envelope into my purse.
I turn my attention briefly to my breakfast as Gloria sets a plate of waffles in front of me. I lift my fork and dig right in to the fluffy circles topped with strawberries and whipped cream. And as I take a bite, Gloria leans over the counter bringing her lips close to my ear.
“Brace yourself, darlin’. Penny is about to walk through that door,” she whispers and I feel the life drain from my face.
I swallow hard, the waffle sticking in my throat. I barely survived my run in with Ayla and Cora. I’m not sure I can handle seeing Penny.
I pull in a deep breath, hearing the door open behind me. There’s no way I can escape this without having some contact with her. At least Gloria is here to hopefully keep me in one piece.
“Good mornin’,” Gloria greets her with a bright smile. I know they’re old friends, but in all the time I worked here, Penny never made an appearance.
“I know, I know, you don’t even have to say it. It’s been too damn long,” Penny answers with an easy laugh.
From the corner of my eye, I catch Gloria’s head tipping in my direction. Traitor. She’s throwing me to the wolves.
“Jade, darlin’, is that you?” Penny’s question is gentle but it still feels like a Mack truck hitting me in the chest.
The way she says my name and calls me darlin’, all I can hear is Fifty’s voice ringing in my ears. The large wound on my heart rips open and my breath is gone. I somehow manage to nod as I try to pull myself together enough to look at her as she takes the seat beside me at the counter.
“Coffee?” Gloria asks her.
“Oh, you know it. I can’t function this early without it,” she answers before turning her attention back to me.
“Well, aren’t you a sight for sore eyes. Bennie told me you were out of town; away in Georgia visiting your parents,” she breathes and I feel my eyebrows pinch in confusion.
“What?” my question is barely a whisper.
“He came for dinner a few nights ago, before leaving for the bike rally in New Hampshire. I had been asking him when I was gonna get to see you again, but he just kept telling me that you still in Georgia,” she shares.
He lied to her. He didn’t tell her that he’s done with me, that I had hid the truth and he doesn’t want me anymore.
“I…um…I did go home for a while, but I’ve been back for a couple weeks,” I start and watch her eyes go wide.
“So, he went on that trip without you?” her question hangs heavy.
“He did,” I answer knowing that I never would’ve even known about the trip if it hadn’t been for Ayla and Cora.
I lift my cup of coffee with my now shaking hands, touching it to my lips as I try to sip it. She sits quietly beside me and I can tell she’s puzzled by my response. I have to explain.
“Ready to order?” Gloria steps up, interrupting before I can even really start. Penny orders her food and then slowly sips her coffee beside me.
“It was my fault,” my words rush out fast.
“What was your fault?” she turns to look at me in question.
“He went on that trip without me because I kept something from him. I didn’t lie, but there was something I should have told him. At first, I couldn’t figure out how, and then too much time had passed, and I didn’t want him to look at me different. I guess I was afraid, or ashamed, so I kept it to myself. He ended up finding out anyway, and he was angry. He doesn’t want to see my anymore,” I explain.