Page 22 of Fifty
I pull a cigarette from the pack and touch it to my lips before flicking my lighter and watching the tip burn a bright orange as the smoke begins to swirl. I pull in a deep drag, filling my lungs before lifting my chin to the sky and blowing a thick cloud into the air. As I lift my coffee to my lips, the roar of bikes fills my ears. I watch as Shark and Billy pull into the lot and park before climbing from their shining beauties.
“Hey, brother. Finally decided to rejoin the living?” Shark chuckles as he steps up beside me and lights up his own.
“Guess I didn’t get as much beauty sleep as you did,” I grin back and Billy roars, letting a deep laugh break through his chest.
“Someone’s a little full of himself this morning. Your night couldn’t have been that fucking mind-blowing, since the girl ditched you at the crack of dawn,” Shark howls in return and I feel my fists clench.
“Wait. She’s gone? You saw her?” I manage to spit out through gritted teeth.
“Yup. I caught her sneaking out while I was having a smoke. I think it was around six, maybe a little after. I told her you were gonna be pissed,” he grins brightly and I want to knock his teeth right down his fucking throat.
“Who said I was pissed?” I push out a breath, forcing my body to relax as much as I possibly can.
“Don’t even try to deny it. I can see that fucking look on your face. I saw it last night, which was the only reason I backed off, by the way. You hadn’t even sampled the pussy yet and she already had her claws in you. She must be a good one,” he says.
“You don’t know shit,” I growl.
“Okay, motherfucker. We can play this however you want, but I know what I fucking saw. I saw it first with Ryder, then Kane, and now I fucking see it in your eyes,” his steady voice fills my ears and I hear Billy chuckle behind me. I wheel around, ready to take his head off.
“I suggest you move your ass into the garage or the clubhouse, unless you want to experience the beat down of your fucking life,” I say taking my anger out on our youngest and newest patched in member. Billy’s laughter cuts off immediately and he moves past me and into the clubhouse.
I drop my butt, stomping on it hard with my boot. I lift my mug, taking one more swig of my now cold coffee before chucking the cup. I watch it fly, suddenly hoping it doesn’t hit any of the bikes sitting parked in the lot. Luckily it hits pavement and I watch it shatter into pieces, sending a dark brown spray into the air.
I can’t seem to get a grip on what went wrong. I thought we were having a good time together. Why the fuck did she leave?
“Did you get any sleep at all? I mean, I know you’re still young and it was New Year’s Eve, but sometimes I really wish you would slow down a little,” Mom’s worry breaks through my thoughts loud and clear.
“I know, Ma, I know,” I drop a kiss to her forehead before stepping into the living room and planting my ass on the soft couch cushions.
“Are you hungry? Or do you want some coffee?” she asks from the kitchen.
“I’m good, thanks,” I reply feeling a small smile touch my lips. No matter what, she always wants to take care of me. She steps into the doorframe, a worn blue dishrag clutched in her grip.
“Is everything okay? You seem a little distracted,” she notices.
“Honestly, I could use a little of your motherly advice,” I tell her and her eyes light up at the thought.
I don’t think I’ve asked her for any real life advice since middle school, especially when it comes to the ladies, but I think Jade requires a different touch than what I’m used to. She moves closer, taking a seat in her comfy chair and I can see the excitement vibrating off her.
“What is it?” she asks, trying to keep her cool.
I set my hands on my knees, trying to determine my best approach. She rocks giddily in her seat, and just from the look on her face, I can tell she already knows. Mother’s fucking intuition. She always knows.
“Bennie, is this about a girl?” she asks, practically bursting. I offer a small nod in confirmation and I hear her breath catch.
“I…uh…” I start, but quickly stop and push out a deep breath, trying to figure out how to explain this. “I guess I kind of met someone. It’s not even a real thing, but there’s just something different about her. And, well, I really thought we were connecting, but then she kind of blew me off. I’m not sure how to handle it. I just feel really out of my element here,” I admit.
“Oh, I see…” she breathes with a soft smile. “My boy, the problem is that you’ve never really had to work for their attention. Girls have always thrown themselves at you. And now you’re all confused because this one isn’t. Maybe you should try having a conversation with this girl before trying to get her into bed,” she offers.
I feel a smile tugging at the corner of my lips, knowing that I already brought Jade to my bed. Thankfully I’m able to reign it in and keep a straight face before Mom starts asking questions. Most guys my age would probably shit themselves if their mom brought up bringing girls to bed, but not me. Obviously, it’s not my favorite topic of conversation, but I also don’t hide shit from her. She knows the life I lead with my club, and all that it entails.
“Talk to her and ask her how she feels. She probably just had other stuff going on, and she wasn’t really blowing you off. But you know you won’t have any real answers unless you talk to her,” she offers another smile.
“Thanks, Ma. That’s some damn good advice,” I tell her.
“Then, after you talk, you can bring her here for dinner so that I can meet her,” she lifts easily from her seat, laughing softly as she disappears back into the kitchen.