Page 15 of Fifty
My heels click loudly against the pavement, echoing in the night air as I make my way towards the party. My heart races deep in my chest as I get closer. I had been expecting to have to pay a cover charge, but I find no one waiting at the door, so I grip the handle and pull it open.
It seems completely crazy, and honestly, it’s hard to even explain because it seems irrational even in my own head. But as I step through the door of the Savage’s clubhouse, I feel instantly at home. A warmth spreads over my skin as my eyes travel around the large room. I can already tell; these are my people.
I feel a few pairs of eyes on me, and as I swing my gaze to the right, I’m met with the raking glances of a small group. I can clearly see the familiar leather hugging their bodies and I know they’re all club members. They grin in various forms and one is actually ballsy enough to wink at me. I feel my eyebrows lift in response, but I can’t help but smile back before turning my attention across the room.
The light seems to glow over the warm wood of the bar and I let my feet guide me through the crowded room. I rest my arms on top of the bar, leaning into it as a young kid steps up with a grin spread from ear to ear. His eyes drop to my exposed cleavage before quickly jumping back to meet my face.
“What can I get for ya?” he asks politely. He seems way too young to be dealing with this crowd.
“Could I get a Captain and Coke?” I smile back.
“Definitely. That’s a popular one around here,” he offers as he turns to grab a glass and the bottle of Captain Morgan.
When he turns back, I notice the small patch on his chest, embroidered with the word PROSPECT. He must not be a full-fledged member yet. That definitely explains why he’s working behind the bar and not enjoying the party. Seconds later, the glass slides in front of me and I glance back up to find his smiling face.
“How much…” I start, but he holds up a hand to stop my question.
“No charges. Ladies drink for free around here, especially on New Year’s Eve,” he shares.
“Thanks,” I express.
“Anytime. I aim to please. Plus, I just follow what the guys in charge tell me to do. Have fun,” he says.
“I will. Thanks again,” I offer before turning back towards the party and taking a small sip from my glass. I let my eyes sweep slowly over the room, trying to learn the layout and get my bearings before really exploring. A pair of soft blue eyes shine at me across the room and a large figure begins to move in my direction.
“God damn. I think I just found the finest female in the fucking building tonight,” Shark’s familiar voice approaches. “Finally found the place, huh?” he questions with a broad grin.
“It wasn’t hard to find tonight. I think I spotted it from three miles away,” I smile back.
“Only three? Shit. This fucker is weak. Guess we’ll have to kick it up a notch. Maybe you wanna dance?” his eyebrows lift in question and I feel my stomach twist.
My eyes drop to the floor as I shake my head. His large warm palm touches my arm, and I look back up finding a concerned expression filling his face.
“I’m just teasin’, darlin’. No harm intended. I won’t mention it again, okay?” his voice becomes a soft whisper against my ear.
His fingers uncurl from my arm and the look of apology is clear in his eyes. I truly believe that he didn’t mean to hurt my feelings. I open my mouth, intending to tell him that it’s okay, but a fresh wave of warmth floods my body. And I know, without turning, that Fifty is standing right behind me.
“Sharky-boy, why don’t you leave this poor girl alone?” his deep voice seems to hit straight in my core.
“Fuck off, Fifty. Jade and I are old friends,” Shark replies with an easy chuckle.
“The fuck you are,” Fifty growls back and I feel his towering presence grow.
I watch Shark’s hands raise unexpectedly in defeat. I honestly expected this little back and forth to go on a little longer. Neither one of them seems like someone who gives up easily.
“Fine. I give, motherfucker,” he says before glancing back at me. “Jade, feel free to shout if you need help,” he laughs before turning and disappearing into the crowd.
I turn slowly, already knowing that Fifty is standing so close that I can feel his heated breath tickling my bare shoulders. His eyes are dark, almost black, but a smirk curls on his lips as he takes in my tight dress. He’s really only ever seen me at the diner in my jeans and restaurant t-shirts.
“I hope my boy wasn’t bothering you too much,” he says as he eyes continue to run over my body.
“He wasn’t. He seems harmless,” I reply, feeling like this probably isn’t the best time to explain how I know Shark.
“I gotta say, I’m a little surprised to see you here. Are you sure you wanna take a chance on this crowd?” he asks with an easy laugh.
Shit. My brain instantly starts spinning. Maybe he doesn’t want me here. His mouth is saying one thing, but his eyes and body language are giving me a whole different message.
“I think I’ll stay awhile, as long as you don’t mind. Ayla invited me, and it seems like the place to be tonight,” I answer with a smile.