Page 194 of Savage Bosses
Making my way into the small ensuite bathroom, I wonder how I got here.
When I started as an assistant for the trio, I was delegated to coffee, lunch, and some filing. I'll admit the intimidation factor was there. They were like gods in the business world, but I just needed a job and money, so I worked hard. One day, Drew asked my opinion and when I gave it, surprised eyes came my way. I guess they didn't realize my master's in finance actually meant something. After that, they involved me in all the business conversations, and the money I made increased, not to mention commissions and bonuses.
I've been able to support my mother and sister comfortably along with myself. I was able to buy them a condominium in a nice part of town and pay it off in just a few years with budgeting and investments. Then I was able to buy a house for myself. I tried to talk them into moving with me to California, but they wanted to stay in the small town in Missouri I grew up in. My mother said she didn't want my sister spoiled by the pomp and circumstance that is my life, and my sister doesn't want to leave her friends. They visit me as often as they can.
Which hasn't been at all in the past few months because I haven't had a day off. Splashing water on my face, I then dab it with a towel. I can't remember when we reached this level in our relationship where I'm being carried places and one of them is sleeping with me in the bed.
If I'm being honest with myself, I enjoy it. It's nice being taken care of like this. My last boyfriend didn't even do a third of the stuff they do. Especially when he found out how much I made. He wouldn't even pay for a cheap hamburger meal for me. He wanted to quit his job and live off me. That's when I broke it off with him. The sex wasn't good enough for any of that.
Rinsing out my mouth with the small cache of mouthwash, I leave the room and find my seat in the cabin. I'm beside Haddon this time.
"Are you ready for negotiations?" Haddon's sweet smile warms me inside.
I smile back before wiping it off my face. I'm mad at them.
As soon as I settle in beside Haddon, Marsten decides he wants to review everything we went over before they let me finally get some sleep.
I don't know about him. He works entirely too much. Haddon and Drew take days off, but they stop in the office when we're there and go over something with us for about an hour. I don't know why I have to be in every conversation. I know everything they do, but I end up re-going over it in every frickin meeting. I don't think they've had one yet without me.
Sighing, I go along with it. At least I can listen and not talk this time.
When we land, there's another limousine to take us to the hotel. I climb inside and when we're settled in, Marsten goes over our itinerary while we're here.
"Remember, our meeting is in three hours. So, after we get to the hotel, it'll be just enough time for us to freshen up and change before we leave," he ticks off. "This meeting shouldn't last longer than two hours, then we'll have the evening free." I look out the window as Paris passes me by. "Do you hear me, Nixon?"
I roll my eyes. "I do. I know the itinerary. I made the itinerary." I open the chat. Bad bosses for the win.
Cantgetlaidtoobusyworking: They did it again.
Chachabrat: Girl, what excuse did they give this time?
Cantgetlaidtoobusyworking:Another temp didn't work out. Said she offered herself to them. I thought she was a lesbian. They showed up at my house and woke me up out of a dead sleep. What I want to know is how did they get a key to my house? We just landed and are on our way to the hotel. Six months since I've had a day off!
Chachabrat:I'm still stuck on how they got a key to your house.
VexedVixen:I'm stuck there too.
Cantgetlaidtoobusyworking:I've asked several times but haven't gotten a response yet. I'll keep asking. They'll have to tell me at some point. Until then, I'll change my locks when I get home.
Chachabrat:So, how's the boss treating ya?
Cantgetlaidtoobusyworking:The normal way. Wanting to go over stuff twenty times like I wasn't the one who set up the meetings and did all the research they have in their hands. Since it's three of them, I'm going over it at least four times each day. I'm so tired.
Imbossy26:Don't you hate it when people pretend to be know-it-alls when you have to do all thinking for you? Beats all I've ever seen. Good Luck with that.
Cantgetlaidtoobusyworking:Thanks. We've just reached the hotel. Talk to you all later.
Marsten looks over my shoulder. "What are you doing? Who are you messaging?"
"If you must know, I'm talking to a couple of friends." I move my phone away from him as I speak, while I'm changing the screen.
"Why can't we see?" Marsten's forever frown gets deeper.
I roll my eyes. "Because it's none of your business. Not everything I do has to go through you." I slide the phone in my purse.
We enter the fancy hotel and stand to the side as the hotel manager approaches us. "Hello! Welcome again to Pullman Paris Hotel. We have your rooms and the conference room ready for you."
Three heads turn in my direction. "We're having the meeting here?" Drew asks. "Why?"