Page 195 of Savage Bosses
"We literally just went over all this. Because this is just an informal meeting and dinner. It'll give us a chance to feel them out. Tomorrow, we'll go into their office and finalize the negotiations. Simmons will meet us here tonight and tomorrow." I roll my eyes. To be honest, now I remember why Marsten goes over stuff twenty times. Because the other two don't listen half the time.
"Your bellman has your things and will escort you to your rooms. You have an incredible view of the Eiffel Tower, just like you prefer," the manager says, attempting to hand the keys to Drew.
I intercept, taking the keys out of his hands. "Thank you very much. As always, it's a pleasure." I give him a quick nod and follow the bellman to the elevator with Marsten, Drew, and Haddon trailing behind me.
"What room do we get?" Haddon asks as we travel up the elevator.
I shake my head. "It doesn't matter. They're all the same."
The bell dings on the eleventh floor. We follow him to the first door. I hand Haddon the key. He checks the key card and then looks at me. "Which room are you in?"
"I figure since I'm in charge of the keys, then I'll take the last room." I shrug.
Drew takes the keys from me. "No. You get this room. We'll take the others."
"Whatever." Haddon steps forward and unlocks the door with the key card before handing it to me. I stroll inside of the small suite. One thing about these guys, they won't waste money on humongous hotel suites. They say all we're going to do is sleep in them and maybe spend just a little time between meetings.
We've been to Paris no less than ten times since I've worked for them. I've never seen Paris. I see the Eiffel Tower from a distance because of the view of the hotel, but not inside of it.
When the poor guy carrying our luggage drops the last piece of mine in the room, I dig in my purse to give him a tip.
"No. We'll take care of it," Marsten tells me. "Don't forget to meet us downstairs in thirty minutes."
I roll my eyes and turn my back on him after thanking the guy. The door closes behind me, and I lock it. This is the first time I haven't been the last one to take the room and use my pocket money to tip the employee. I'm a bit suspicious.
Since I have what is basically twenty-five minutes to get ready, I quickly strip and hop into the shower. Practice makes perfect, and I'm ready in twenty minutes. I'm wearing a short black sheath dress with a red blazer over it. I slide my feet in the five-inch pumps they picked for me. Frowning, I gaze at myself in the mirror. Other than the blazer, they picked an outfit that's more for the club than the boardroom.
Sighing, I grab my clutch and make sure I have everything in it before picking up my briefcase. I then step outside the door. Of course, none of them have made it out yet. Instead of waiting for them, I go to the elevator and press the button. Need to make sure everything is set up and ready to go.
The ride to the lobby is completed quickly and as soon as I step off the elevator, the manager approaches me. "Ms. Perryn, your business associates have arrived. They're waiting for you in the conference room. We made sure they have coffee, and there are snacks on the table. Would you like me to bring you anything to drink?"
"If you could send a Coca-Cola through for me, Mr. Ambrose would like a hot green tea with lemon, honey, and hot apple cider. Mr. McKenna would like ice water with a lemon twist and an orange slice too. Mr. Yarrow would like a coffee, black. They should be down shortly and will want the drinks waiting for them." I give him a small smile. He hurries off to get our order, and I make my way to the room. Mr. Simmons and his team of lawyers and assistants are in the room. He thinks there's power in numbers, but what he doesn't realize is there's power in knowledge.
We know so much more about his business than he knows about ours.
He stands as I walk into the room. "Why, Nixon, it's so nice to see you again," the turd says to my breasts.
"Hello, Mr. Simmons. How are you this evening?" He meets me at the corner of the table, holding my hand a little too tightly. In private, I call him Mr. Smarmy due to his creepiness.
The hotel manager knocks on the door before stepping through. Two people follow him. "Where would you like the drinks?"
I point to the remaining seats and instruct him on where to put the drinks. Inwardly, I sigh deeply because I know they'll seat me beside Mr. Smarmy.
The drinks are placed where I instruct, and they make themselves scarce. I double-check to make sure everything is in its place. Confirming right before my bosses walk in. Mr. Smarmy's arm comes around my waist. "Gentlemen. It's nice you sent Nixon down to greet us. As always, she's very professional and effective.
I school my face to keep the look of disgust off it, and something crosses Marsten's face before it goes blank. "That's Ms. Perryn to you." He takes a seat.
I sit beside Mr. Smarmy, effectively removing his arm from around my waist. His hand still manages to graze my ass. I frown and receive a warning look from Drew. Smarmy sits beside me, his hand going to my leg. I remove it, digging my nails just deep enough to make him wince.
He finally keeps them to himself.
"Why is your legal team here?" Marsten's lowered brows scan the table. "This is just a preliminary meeting."
Mr. Smarmy smirks. "I figured if we're going to meet, we may as well get all the legalities out of the way."
No. It's a power move. One that won't get him anywhere.
Haddon leans back in his chair, sparing the legal team a casual glance before it lands on him. I hide a smile. "It seems you are spending money you don't have, Simmons. Why would you do that? Once the agreement is signed, you'll no longer have one."