Page 340 of Savage Bosses
“Because of your business?”
“Partly, but mainly because of you.”
Porsha stopped eating as she gave me an apologetic stare. “Remy, for what it’s worth, I’m truly sorry for walking out on you. It’s not that I didn’t want to at the time, but I felt it was necessary.”
“For your own benefit.”
“For both of ours. We both needed time to grow and be our own persons. You needed to fulfill your dream of your own business and I needed to know myself as a person. Things probably wouldn’t have worked if we were still together.”
“How would you had known that if you weren’t willing to try?”
“I was willing to try. I just didn’t want my heart to be broken.”
“How, Porsha? You know I would have given you anything.”
“Would you have given me more time because that was part of the issue too?”
I put my fork down and pushed my food away. “I did make time for you.”
“When it was convenient, Remy. There were times when you had to consistently go to meetings and events, which I understood, since you were getting your name out there; but it sort of diminished our relationship. You didn’t have time for us and that’s what made me decide to walk away. As much as I wanted for us to work, I didn’t want your company to come between us because I knew it would eventually.”
“That’s not true, Porsha. I made sure for us to spend as much time as possible. I know it was hectic at times because it was the start of Delgado Industries, but I thought we had an understanding about all of it.”
“We did, but I also had to look at myself and wonder about my future. I didn’t want to think about my life years later and regret not doing the things that I needed to do. That’s why I took it upon myself to go find what I was searching for. Like I said before, you had your dream, so I needed to find mine. I didn’t want to live through yours.”
I slowly nodded. I was starting to understand Porsha’s reasoning to why she left, but it still didn’t excuse her for doing it. “I’m starting to understand why you did it, but we always were able to communicate about everything. What made that situation so different for you to leave without saying anything?”
“Mainly because I didn’t want to hurt you.”
“Well, your plan didn’t work because I did feel some way about you leaving. Obviously, I still do.”
Porsha slowly extended her hand to mine. She gently rubbed it while staring at me. “Which I regret every day.”
I pulled my hand away and got up. I didn’t need to hear this right now. She should have never done it. “Break time is over. I need to get back to work.”
“You’re not even finished with your food.”
“I’m not hungry anymore. Just get back to work.”
“I was planning on leaving since it’s late.”
“And we have a promotional presentation that needs to be completed to show to the author. I suggest you finish that before we leave.”
“You said earlier that I just needed to make suggestions, not do it. That’s the publicity department’s job to do.”
“As you can see, they’re not here so, now, I’m appointing you to it. Get some ideas together and have it done before you walk through those doors tomorrow morning. Or you won’t have a job.”
I turned on my heel and walked out. I wasn’t going to let Porsha feel sorry for herself for what she put me and this relationship through. Since she wasn’t serious about our relationship, then I was going to see how serious she was about her job once I was done with her.
hat the fuck! I understood that Remy was hurting, but he had no right to throw orders at me, especially when it was not even my job to do the publicity for the book. Now, not only did I have to do the editing but find some way to get a promotional plan together too! He was delusional.
He is trying to see where your breaking point will be…