Page 341 of Savage Bosses
That could be the reason, but I was not even going to give him the satisfaction. If he wanted me to do all of this, then it was fine, I’d do it. Not a problem.
Once he left the office, I did the same. I wasn’t going to be there by myself. I headed home and began the promotional campaign. I didn’t want to call Cierra, but I didn’t have a choice since she was the person initially appointed to the book. I needed to pick her brain to how she was going to promote the story.
After talking to her, I figured out a plan that would work with both the author and Oxford with local bookstore tours. That would not only gain exposure for her but also for the indie bookstores that were willing to sponsor the tour. It’s a win-win.
I created a presentation with several bookstores that I would get the publicity department to contact. After that, I called it a night. The entire day was overwhelming, so it was pointless to continue to work. I needed a break.
I did my nightly routine and got into bed. I turned on the TV and sighed, seeing thatPurple Rainwas on. That was Remy and my favorite movie. I guess since we had a love for Prince. I stared at the screen, wishing things could be different between Remy and me. We were good together, but I fucked that up with my insecurities. Now, he wanted to destroy me personally and professionally. Honestly, I couldn’t be mad at him for that. I only had myself to blame.
I laid back in the bed, getting comfortable in between the sheets. I wanted to watch the movie, but the events from today were taking over and I slowly drifted into a deep sleep…
March 2009
“I don’t understand why we have to go back to your place? I said I would give you a pair. I have extra,” I whined.
Chandra and I were already running late to the movies, but Chandra forgot her 3D glasses. When we went to the movies, we did it big by seeing 3D movies. We watched them so much that we bought our own pair of glasses. We didn’t like the movie ones.
“I know where they are, so it won’t take long. I promise.”
“You said that the last time, that’s why I bought another pair. You’re forgetful.”
“Ha, ha, whatever.”
Once we approached Chandra’s parents’ house, I told her I’d stay in the car, but she insisted on me going in. I sighed, realizing we’d never make the showing if her parents started talking. They loved to talk.
While she walked ahead of me inside the kitchen, I stayed behind, wanting her to hurry up when I noticed someone I never recognized sitting at the wet bar. He was sexy as he say hi to Chandra before staring at me.
“Are you going to introduce me to your friend, sis?”
I continued staring at him, realizing that was the infamous Remy. Chandra had mentioned about her half-brother several times, but I’d never seen him since he stayed in Miami with his mom. I raised my brow at him, as he gave a sexy but cocky smile. He glanced at Chandra, who shook her head.
“Remy, this is Porsha; Porsha, Remy.”
“Nice to meet you, Porsha,” Remy said as he hopped off of the bar stool and extended his hand for a handshake. I smiled as his hand was firm, yet gentle. His smile widened as he looked into my eyes. “What are you two planning to do for the day?”
“We’re actually going to the movies to see Final Destination 5 in 3D.”
“Wow, I been wanting to see that for a minute.”
“You can come if you like.”
Chandra stared at me as if I’d lost my mind, but I didn’t pay attention to her as I continued looking at Remy.
“I don’t want to interfere with your girls’ night out. But there is a party tonight at Wilsermore if you two are interested.”
Chandra folded her arms and sighed. “And how do you know about this, Rem? You barely know people here.”
“I know enough and there’s a party tonight, so I was thinking about checking it out.”
I stared at Chandra, who shook her head. “No, we already bought tickets to the movies.”
“We can get a refund. Besides, the party sounds more fun.”
Chandra threw her hands up in defeat. “Fine, but you’re paying for the movies again if I can’t get a refund.”
“You will. Now, let’s go find something to wear.”
I walked past Remy and turned to stare at him before leading Chandra to her room. I was a bit excited to go out with Remy, even if it was to a party.