Page 378 of Savage Bosses
“You have always taught me to be strong minded and to go for my goals, but you never taught me how to love someone, that’s why I never knew what that was until I saw my dad and Diana together. They showed me what love actually was and I was able to use that knowledge towards my love for Porsha. You, on the other hand, wanted to tear people down, which I find sad because I know you can be better than just a cutthroat individual. Just because you and Dad didn’t work out doesn’t mean you have to be mean and vile to everyone around you.”
“This has nothing to do with what happened between your dad and me.”
“Yes, it does. You’re mad that Dad didn’t see you the way you wanted him to see you. You were in love with him, but he only saw you as his friend. When you got pregnant with me, you thought that would keep a hold on you and Dad, and it didn’t. Instead, he found his true love. That’s why you never wanted me around my siblings or my stepmom because you wanted me to punish Dad for never returning your feelings.”
“That’s not true and you know it.”
“Do I because I believe I’m nailing it right now? That’s why you didn’t want me with Porsha because you were jealous that I’d found my true love too.”
“Porsha was never on your level.”
“Porsha was and is still on my level. She understands me and loves me for me and not what I can do for her because she has her own goals and dreams. We looked out for each other; that’s why I knew that story she had about me not believing in her wasn’t true. That was the story you told her to say when she walked out on me.”
My mom looked shock, as I got close to her. “You figured you would get rid of her by helping her dad get a new liver; you just didn’t think she would return, did you?”
“She wasn’t supposed to.”
“Why? You were going to destroy her even further? You have done enough, Renee, not just to her but to me too. All the time you have seen me hurting and you didn’t give a damn because you were the one who caused it. You caused me, your son, to live in pain because you wanted me to be like you. A sad, miserable soul who only cared about work. Well, despite everything that you have done, you still didn’t win because I’m nothing like you, nor will I ever be. I’m content with my life as a businessman, but I know my business and my wealth are all temporary. It can go in an instant; but my love for Porsha never will. So, try living with that, Renee, because that’s all you’re ever going to have in your life.”
I got up as I looked at my mom. “Oh, and I talked to Perry recently. He’s a nice guy, so I informed him about the woman he married, by telling him about the stunt that you pulled. You should be expecting a call from him soon, probably to tell you that he’s leaving you. Serves you right for everything that you’ve caused.”
“You ungrateful…”
“And I will have Desi write a check for your part of the startup money for Delgado Industries. Just know that I don’t want no part of your money in my business, that way you won’t be thinking you can manipulate me again.”
“That’s fine. Walk away from everything I have done for you!”
“What you have done! You only gave me money; I’m the one who created Delgado Industries! I’m the one who put my blood, sweat, and tears in that company; so don’t you DARE throw that in my face about you helping me launch that business!”
I turned around to see Porsha and Chandra approaching me. “What are you two doing here?”
“Trying to stop you from making an embarrassing mistake since Jasper told me what you were doing,” Chandra said.
I sighed. Now that Jasper and I were communicating more, I told him I was going to confront my mom, but I didn’t think he was going to tell my sister about it.
“Of course you two will come. You both probably liking what’s going on,” my mom said.
“There’s no point in talking to you, so we’re just going to leave,” Chandra said.
“I do have something to say.”
We looked at Porsha, as she approached the table. She stared at my mom, who smirked.
“When I saw you at the party, I was scared to confront you, only because of the agreement we made. I didn’t know what you were capable of, so I wanted to keep my distance; but now, seeing you at this moment only makes me feel sorry for you. You have so much going for you, yet, you’re destroying it with your own selfishness. That’s not a way to live, and there’s never going to be any happiness behind it. You’re only going to be miserable with yourself, and that’ll be a regret for you to not be around for your son and all the accomplishments that he’s experiencing.”
My mom sighed. “Are you done?”
“No, I’m not. Just so you know, you may have ran me off before, but that’s not happening anymore because Remy and I are going to be together, whether you like it or not. So, if you’re still in Remy’s life, get used to seeing me because I’m not going anywhere.”
I stared at Porsha, proud of her for standing up to my mom. I never realized it until now that Renee Porter is and had always been a bully. I guess I overlooked it because she was my mom but not anymore. Now, I was living life for me and, if she couldn’t accept that, then she couldn’t be a part of my life.
“I think this conversation is over. Don’t you agree?” I asked Porsha and Chandra.
“I been over it,” Chandra replied.
“I am too,” Porsha said.