Page 379 of Savage Bosses
“Cool. Let’s go.”
As we walked out of the restaurant, I told Chandra I’d take Porsha back to Oxford, and she left. I stared at her, as she blushed.
“I can’t believe you and Chandra came here to rescue me. You know I can take care of myself.”
“I know, but we were worried since it was your mom you were confronting.”
“I know, but I do appreciate you coming. That really means a lot.”
“No problem. You know I’ll always have your back.”
“I know that now. Like I’ll always have yours.”
“About what I said in the restaurant…”
“That you weren’t going anywhere? I know you’re not. I meant what I said at Oxford. I want us to start over again, but this time, we have to be honest with each other on everything. No matter how big or small the issue is.”
“I know. I promise I’ll be honest with you.”
“Same here.”
“But thank you.”
“For what?”
“For giving me a second chance.”
I smiled. “Thank you for that as well.”
I put her in my arms and held her tight. I could feel her lips curling into a smile as she gave a content sigh. Just having her in my arms was all I ever wanted or needed. I didn’t know what the future may hold for us, but I was glad that we were able to start over again.
A year later…
hank you so much for joining us today, Remy.”
“You’re welcome, Renisha. Thank you for having me here.”
Everything had drastically changed in my life after what happened at Met Bistro a year ago. Delgado Industries was still thriving, thanks to new content that I had created with new video games and a new virtual reality console that was selling out in electronic stores.
Oxford was doing great as well. We released Stacy’s book, which received rave reviews and has led her to a huge publicity tour aside from the tour Porsha created. The book was doing so well that it was even in talks to be turned into a movie. We all knew big things would happen with this story, but we didn’t know it would happen this quickly. So, my mom was wrong. Purchasing Oxford was a great investment.
As for me and Porsha, our relationship is stronger than ever. We did have to sort out some things first. We had to trust each other again and be honest on how we were feeling. We even went to counseling, which, at first, I didn’t think I needed, but with how my childhood was, growing up with my mom, and the things that had happened with Porsha, made me realize that it may help me become a better person. There was so much I had to get off my chest, which helped me feel refreshed and renewed.
When my family discovered that Porsha and I were together, they were thrilled, especially Abuela. She was truly proud of us and the fact that we were able to overcome the issues we were facing. I was glad that she was able to see that before she succumbed to her illness a few months ago. I was glad that during her last months that she was proud of her family and seen that we were happy and whole again. That was all she could have asked for. I still miss her, but I knew she was in a better place with my grandfather.
Of course, Chandra and I were closer than ever, but the most improved relationship was with Jasper. We’re actually being brothers now, which was something my parents always wanted for us. I was glad that we’re cool because there’s something I would want him to partake in within the next few months.
With Renee, I hadn’t spoken to her since the confrontation at the Met Bistro. She hasn’t reached out either, which was fine by me, but it did hurt a bit since she was my mom. But as I mentioned to her that day, if she couldn’t be happy for me, then she couldn’t be in my life. I couldn’t have that type of negativity ruin my life.
But I did know that her husband, Perry, was now her ex-husband, as I didn’t even know the two were on the brink of divorce when she came to town for Abuela’s party. Perry contacted me and explained everything to me, which only made me feel slightly sorry for her, but she brought that on herself.