Page 183 of Modern Romance January 2025 5-8
‘“A Sauvignon will pair nicely...”’ he quoted her, teasing. ‘I’m playing...’ He gave her a smile and looked down at her dress. ‘You look stunning.’
‘Thank you.’
‘You do,’ he told her. ‘I feel like they just opened my case at customs...’
‘I don’t understand what you’re saying...’
‘Unexpected goods inside.’
She started to laugh.
‘Seriously, I am here on a sort of business lunch, and all I want is to make out with you on the sofa...’
‘Better not,’ Susie said. ‘It’ll get straight back to Gio.’
It was fun.
Even if Dante didn’t much like wine.
PossiblybecauseDante didn’t much like wine!
It made her smile as he listened intently and swirled his drink.
Susie just sipped it.
‘Yum,’ she said about the ‘peppery red with a hint of blackcurrant’, as described by their server. ‘It is peppery.’
‘Yes...’ Dante joined in her little joke. ‘With a hint of blackcurrant.’
And there was more ‘yum’ as she ate thick olives and gorgeous meats and cheeses from this very beautiful land.
‘Wait...’ Dante said, and then he trickled truffled honey over some cheese. ‘Now try it.’
Susie closed her eyes as she tasted it. ‘Oh, my goodness...’ It was incredible. ‘I have to get some to take home.’
It was a lovely, long lunch, and finally they were on the dessert wine, and Christos was explaining to them what they were tasting in great and long detail.
‘I like this one,’ Susie said. ‘I might get some.’
Finally the tasting was over and the social side done, and they both sat back on the couch and smiled at each other.
‘That was actually good,’ Dante said.
‘It was. I might bring my parents here when they visit.’
‘Do,’ Dante said. ‘Speak to Christos when you book.’
‘You can pay for my lunch today,’ Susie said. ‘But not my parents’.’
Susie intrigued him.
As Gio had said, she was delightful. He found her forthright, but at times shy, and very kind.
But there was so much more to her. Little bits of which he had found out today.
He wanted her to tell him more herself.
‘Are you going to tell me about Gio?’ Susie asked, surprised she’d waited so long to ask. They’d been enjoying each other so much...