Page 184 of Modern Romance January 2025 5-8
‘He told me that he was in love with Mimi.’
Susie smiled, utterly thrilled that Gio had finally told his grandson, as well as curious to know how Dante had taken it.
‘How do you feel about it?’
‘Feel?’ He paused with his glass on its way to his lips. ‘Relieved that he’s told me and very pleased that he’s been talking to you. How did you get him to talk?’
‘He was quite...’ She hesitated. ‘I was worried the first night I took a meal over to him.’
‘Was he upset?’
‘No...’ Susie thought back. ‘I thinkdeterminedbetter describes his mood then. He didn’t tell me anything then—just said that he had all the numbers he needed in his phone.’
‘My fault.’ Dante rolled his eyes. ‘I gave him a few lessons on how to use it and put a few numbers Pearla’s...’
‘He wasn’t so great the next night,’ Susie told him. ‘He started to talk about his late wife, and how marriage is sacred. He showed me a few photos.’ Susie smiled. ‘I came out and Mimi was waiting for me. I didn’t know who she was, of course.’
It was nice to be able to tell Dante now.
‘She was beside herself, but determined to stand her ground. She asked if I could do a few things for him—without Gio knowing, of course.’
‘How did you sort out the furniture? He told me you moved it yourself.’
‘No!’ Susie laughed. ‘I took him for a walk and while we were out Cucou and Pedro came, with a few of the pastry chefs. They’ve been really looking out for him—discreetly, of course. He’s very loved.’
‘Yes, and he and Cucou go way back. They have been friends for ever.’
‘How do you feel about it?’ Susie asked again, thinking of Mimi’s doom and gloom predictions where Dante was concerned. Although he really didn’t seem bothered. Or perhaps they weren’t close enough to discuss such things as his grandfather’s estate? ‘Do you have any concerns?’
‘I had concerns when I found out he was alone in that vast house,’ Dante said. ‘But I’m pleased for him. God knows, he’s been through it...’
So had Dante, Susie thought, yet he spoke only about Gio’s pain.
‘He says it’s time for him to be happy, to move on from the past, and I want that for him. He didn’t deserve what happened.’
‘Nobody deserves that,’ Susie said, and frowned when Dante didn’t answer. ‘Nobody.’
‘I know,’ Dante responded.
He didn’t sound entirely convinced.
Surely he didn’t blame himself?
He’d never spoken about the accident, though, and she wasn’t sure it was her place to ask, or even how she’d do it, and so, instead of delving, she asked about his brother.
‘Does Sev know about Gio and Mimi?’
‘He’s going to call him today.’
‘You haven’t told him?’
‘No,’ he admitted.
‘Did he have his suspicions too? About them being a couple?’
‘Probably—he’s very sharp.’
‘But the two of you have never discussed it?’