Page 47 of Delicious Surrender
“How did it go with Ivanov tonight? Did he behave?”
“No!” she snapped. “He tormented me the entire time. Asking me all kinds of personal questions and he told me in gory detail what he would like to do to me!”
His lips turned white, his jaw rigid. “Did he try to touch you?”
“No, but his words were…” She trailed off.
“His words were what?” Gage’s voice was like sandpaper across her nerves.
Brynne took a swig of her drink before answering. “Too much. They were just too much.”
Gage stared at her. “I will speak to him.”
“It’s fine. I can handle it. I was just tired today.” Brynne leaned back and sighed. “I would rather not have him thinking he got under my skin.” She considered telling Gage about the tip, but thought better of it.
“Fine, but if he continues, I want to know about it.”
“Fine,” she huffed out.
“Would you care to tell me why you left yesterday when I told you I would see you home?”
Brynne took a fortifying gulp of her drink to buy herself a minute. He sat back and swirled his scotch like he had all the time in the world.
“I was feeling very off kilter and vulnerable.” She took another sip.
“Go on.”
“I didn’t want to inconvenience you. I don’t imagine you drive staff home, even after an intense scene.”
He drew his finger over the rim of his glass. “This situation was quite different.” His voice sharpened. “You are not one of our regular subs. I’d wager you’ve never experienced a scene like that before. You were under my care; therefore, it was my duty to escort you home.”
“I was fine. Especially after the pizza…and the catnap.”
“Are you sure there isn’t more to it?”
He will not let this go. Resigned, she sank back into the cocoon of the chair. “Upstairs, in the private party, it was enlightening and bloody erotic. Then the whole spanking thingintensified those feelings.”
“What happened at the party?” His voice was a low, his accent more pronounced.
“Oh, you know, just the erotic torture of two beautiful slaves, and the blow job of the century, delivered by my best friend. Who doesn’t have any idea that I witnessed it!”
Gage’s eyes widened. “Ooch.”
Before he could say anything, she rushed on. Her voice went up an octave or two. “Since you seem hellbent on getting me to bare my goddamned soul, I’ll tell you. I left because I might…Iwould havebegged you to fuck me.”
His brow furrowed, and he shook his head. “I wouldn’t have allowed that to happen.”
“No, of course you wouldn’t!” She let out a strangled-sounding laugh. “So, I saved you from having to spurn my advances, and saved myself from a mortifying rejection.” She put her empty glass on the table and stood. “I think that’s enough therapy for today, doc. Now, if you don’t mind, I need to get home. Tomorrow is a workday.”
Gage went to stand, but she put her hand up, barely holding on to her composure.
“No, please don’t.”
She dashed out of the club without looking back. No taxis waited in the lane, so she headed for the subway. The walk would do her good and the streets were filled with people coming out of the theaters. Along the way, she avoided looking at the candlelit tables and couples making googly eyes at each other. It onlymade her cynical about the fake displays of affection.
Maybe she should have kept her mouth shut. Blurting out her thoughts usually got her a shocked but honest reaction.You got your answer, Bree.He made it crystal clear that even if he was interested, he wouldn’t pursue it.
Brynne kept her gaze ahead, dodging all the people hurrying in the opposite direction. A car horn blasted right behind her, and she nearly jumped out of her skin. She noticed a flashy Range Rover with blacked-out windows and fancy black and red rims with a taxicab riding his back bumper. It was driving slowly; in fact, the vehicle was keeping pace with her. The taxi flew around them and honked again as it passed. As she approached the entrance to the underground, Brynne had an odd sense of unease. Her self-defense instructor taught her to trust her spidey senses and pay attention to her surroundings.