Page 48 of Delicious Surrender
She considered stopping in the brightly lit pharmacy, but that felt silly. As she reached the subway entrance, Brynne abruptly turned and raced down the steps. She scanned her pass and flew through the turnstiles without looking back. The train pulled into the station a minute later and she tucked herself into a corner behind a couple of tall guys with backpacks. The balance of the trip home was uneventful, and she dismissed the experience as paranoia and exhaustion.
Blue Monday
Luckily, Jared was on assignment in Bristol for the day, so she wouldn’t have to face him and his questions about Saturday night.
Brynne slept badly and left the house in a foul mood with an empty stomach. The line at her coffee shop was long, but she couldn’t face the day without an Americano and a warm scone.
Monday passed in a blur. She reviewed four lengthy articles, which had to be submitted before the end of the day. At four forty-five, she finished and sent them to Nigel. Thank god Margaret was out today, so she didn’t have to deal with her.
Tonight, she would have some much-needed time for herself. She had to get groceries, make a decent meal, and work on her manuscript. A perfect, if somewhat boring, night at home.
After heating a pre-made shepherd’s pie, she opened abottle of wine then sat at her computer. She had some juicy ideas to add to her book that would turn up the heat for her female character. The villain would now drive a tricked-out Range Rover with tinted windows.
Her phone dinged.
Jared:Hey Bree. Finally headed home. Long effing day. How are you?
Brynne:Good. Me too. I’m wiped but trying to do some editing.
Jared:I can’t wait to hear about Saturday. Are you working tomorrow night?
Brynne:No, I’m on the schedule for Thursday. You?
Jared:I’m on Wed and Sat for the big party. Fetish night will give you plenty of juicy stuff for your story.
Brynne:I’m nervous. Haven’t seen the outfit yet… :-o
Jared:You’ll look amazing, don’t worry. Let’s have dinner tomorrow. I’m in the mood for Mexican.
Brynne:Sounds good. I’ll meet you there after work.
Brynne downed half a plate of nachos and a large margarita while waiting for Jared to arrive. She sat in their favorite booth, stealing glances at the door every few minutes and wondered how the hell she was going to tell him what she saw at the club. As the waitress delivered her second cocktail and his mojito, he came through the front door.
They hugged, and he took the seat opposite. He raised his glass and looked at the desecrated plate. “Jesus, girl! When did you get here?”
“I’ve been here about half an hour. You can have the rest.Do you want to split some chicken quesadillas?”
“That sounds good!” Leaning close, he whispered, “Now, tell me everything!”
Brynne waved their server down and ordered their meal, then took a deep breath and told him about the bad girl collar and cuffs and Gage’s threat to make her wear a gag. She rushed through the altercation with Dimitri, almost beating up the handsy customer. Then, skipping the entire dinner party, she went straight to the spanking scene on the third floor.
Her face heated. “I should have hated being objectified, but I didn’t. Was it wrong to bask in their admiration of my bare butt?”
His eyes twinkled. “Not at all, babe. I know how amazing it can be—and impossible to describe to someone how it feels to be an erotic object d’art.”
“To be honest, I felt more attractive than I have in a long time. I’ve always been self-conscious about the size of my butt and thighs, but I overheard people admiring them.” She shook her head and shrugged. “My self-esteem got a boost, and that calmed my nerves.”
Jared tucked into the remaining nachos, his eyes not leaving hers. “Go on.”
“So, there I was, my ass on display, only a thong covering my hoo-ha. The prick took his sweet time strapping me down so I could barely move. And…” Brynne looked down and fiddled with her straw. “I loved it as much as that first time with Mistress Patricia. It was liberating to be restrained. Somehow, it freed me to let go and enjoy. I could have ended it any time, butthat never crossed my mind. Besides, not a chance was I going to let that arrogant bastard win.”
He chuckled. “He is testing you—and seeing what you’re made of. How many guests signed up?”
“There were five altogether. Oh, and Dimitri stole someone’s place. He told them the guy had had too much to drink and gave him his spot. Gage asked me if it was okay first. He wasn’t letting him get away with it.”
“And you agreed?” Jared’s eyes widened.