Page 22 of Kidnapped from the Paradise Resort
She drew a warm bath in the vast tub, adding some of the sweet-smelling liquid from one of the bottles which made mountains of foamy bubbles. Then she sank down into the tub and relaxed, letting the stress of the day wash away as she thoroughly enjoyed herself.
After soaking in the tub for several hours, she got out and lounged on the bed for a while, reading a few of the books from the nightstand. There was one about a girl who got caught in a never-melting ice storm—which was apparently the Paradise Prime version of a snowstorm—in a small cabin with her gruff but handsome neighbor. They found a bottle of exotic liquor to drink, not knowing that it containedhoupiterberries, which were apparently an aphrodisiac.
The woman in the story drank much more than her neighbor, who didn’t like the taste. Then she got violently horny and her breasts filled with thick, sticky nectar. She had to beg him to suck it out and afterward he had to fuck her to release the last of the wine from her system…or something like that. It didn’t really make a lot of sense, but it was sexy as hell.
Kara enjoyed the story—though the alien prose got a little convoluted at times—but she couldn’t help picturing herself as the female protagonist and J’orn as the gruff and growly neighbor. What would happen if her breasts filled with nectar and he had to suck it out?
Don’t be silly,she told herself, when she realized what she was doing.Stop this ridiculous daydreaming and go do something else!
Her stomach was growling and it was definitely dinner time so she decided to try and find something to eat. She put down the book and found her carry-all cube, which had been left on the bed for her. She slipped into her favorite flowered dress along with some strappy sandals. She wasn’t going to leave the resort—she’d promised J’orn to stay put. But she still wanted to look nice while she wandered around.
There must be some kind of lounge or a machine where you can buy snacks or something,she thought as she opened the door to her room.There must be?—
Her thoughts were interrupted when she looked down and saw a small piece of paper lying in front of her door. Picking it up, she saw an alien language written in elaborate, curving script. Thanks to her Translation Bacteria, she was able to make it out.
“Kara my dear, do come have Last Meal with me tonight,”the note read.“I’m so lonely and I don’t feel like going out. Just come over and put your hand on the door—I’ve had Nono key it for a guest.
Love, Gaela.”
Kara looked at the note doubtfully, but to be honest, she really didn’t feel like wandering around the big resort either. It couldn’t hurt to go to her neighbor’s suite, she decided. And if she didn’t like it, she could always just make an excuse and leave.
She stepped across the hall and knocked tentatively at first and then a little louder. But no one came, even though she was sure she could hear voices on the other side of the white and gold door.
At last, she placed her hand flat against the wooden door and watched as her handprint lit up. With a softclick,it opened and Kara was able to walk inside.
Gaela’s suite was laid out a lot like hers, except it had much different coloring. The carpeting in here was a thick, black fur—Kara sank in nearly up to her ankles. The furniture was black too and the overhead lights were set to a deep blue, which gave an almost undersea effect.
“Kara, is that you?” Gaela’s voice called from the interior of the suite.
“Er, yes. I came in like your note told me to—I hope that’s okay,” Kara called back.
“Of course it is. Come on through—I’m in the bathing chamber!” was the reply along with the sound of splashing water.
Kara didn’t really want to see her neighbor naked so she called back,
“Oh, that’s okay—I don’t mind waiting out here until you’re done.”
“Nonsense!” Gaela insisted. “Come back here please, I need to talk to you.”
Reluctantly, Kara walked through the suite and found herself in the bathroom. It was every bit as big and luxurious as her own but Gaela wasn’t in the tub.
Instead she and her attendant, Brother Nono, were both in the shower. Both of them were nude—though thank goodness the frosted glass the shower stall was made of didn’t show more than the outlines of their bodies. Still, that was enough for Kara to see that Brother Nono was scrubbing Gaela with one of the washing mitts.
“Mmm, that’s right, Nono,” she was purring as she arched her back and presented him with a large, rounded ass. “Scrub meallllover—there’s a good boy!”
“Yes, My Lady.” Nono’s voice sounded hoarse as he bent to his work. Kara wondered if he was getting sexual satisfaction from this scenario. Or at least gratification, since satisfaction was impossible with the cage around his cock.
Gaela had him scrub her breasts as well.
“Touch me, Nono,” Kara heard her saying. “Do you like to fill your hands with my tits? Do you like to play with my nipples? Should I let you suck them to make sure they’re clean?”
“Goddess Eternal, My Lady!” Nono groaned. “If you wish me to suck them, you know I will—I will doanythingin my power to serve you.”
“Mmm, that’s what I like to hear. Then you may suck them—go ahead.”