Page 23 of Kidnapped from the Paradise Resort
Kara watched through the frosted glass as the male figure of Nono bent in silhouette to suck Lady Winthrip’s tight peaks. It was like an X-rated shadow show. Gaela moaned appreciatively and stroked her fingers through his hair, urging him to “suck harder! Pretend I just had somehoupiterberries and you’re trying to get the nectar out!”
Nono groaned something Kara couldn’t understand and sucked harder until Gaela finally told him to stop.
“That was very good, Nono,” she purred, reaching up to cup his cheek. “You made my pussy very wet with your sucking.”
“Yes, My Lady. Would you like me to give you the Kiss of Pleasure?” he asked eagerly.
“Not now,” Gaela told him. “We have a guest waiting for us. Just turn off the shower and dry me.”
“Yes, My Lady,” he murmured submissively and then shut off the water.
“I’ll be with you in a minute,” Gaela called to Kara. “I just have to let Nono dry me off.”
“All right.” Kara nodded, though she doubted the other woman could see her through the frosted glass. She understood the real reason she’d been invited over now and it wasn’t for dinner—it was clear that Lady Winthrip was an exhibitionist who liked having an audience.
Normally, Kara would have been put off by this, but she found she didn’t mind so much—maybe because of the spicy novel she’d been reading earlier or maybe just because she was on vacation and feeling loose and relaxed from her own bath earlier. Besides, it was kind of sexy the way Gaela dominated her attendant.
She watched through the glass as Nono knelt in front of Gaela and dried her thoroughly with a towel. Then he draped another towel around her and the door to the shower opened at last.
“Ah, there you are! Sorry to keep you waiting,” Gaela purred, smiling at Kara. Her bright pink skin was practically glowing—her attendant had clearly been hard at work scrubbing her for some time.
Scrubbing and sucking,Kara thought and felt her cheeks go hot with a blush.
But Gaela seemed completely unembarrassed about the show she’d just put on. She strutted around the bathroom with only a towel on until Brother Nono emerged from the shower as well. He was naked and Kara could see he was actually quite well-muscled, though not nearly as big or muscular as J’orn was. He still had the silver cage around his cock and she wondered again if he was aching with sexual need from being denied an orgasm for so long.
“Nono, get me my robe,” Gaela ordered him.
“Yes, My Lady.” Swiftly, he draped the plush white bathrobe around her shoulders and picked up the towel she dropped at her feet. Then he put on his own green monk’s robe again and knelt in front of her. “How else may I serve you, My Lady? Do you require the Kiss of Pleasure now?” he asked, looking up at her hopefully.
“You’re always so eager to serve, my darling Nono.” Gaela caressed his damp, silver hair. “But not now. Perhaps tonight when you tuck me into bed. Or maybe not until tomorrow—it depends on how I feel.”
Nono seemed to be swallowing a groan of frustration but he only nodded and rose to stand in front of her.
“Then what can I do to serve you, My Lady?”
“Well, nothing at the moment. Kara and I are going to use the Thought-cooker and make ourselves some dinner,” Gaela told him. She smiled at Kara. “Unless you’ve already eaten?”
“Er, no—there’s no food in my suite,” Kara admitted.
Gaela’s bright blue eyes went wide with surprise.
“What? Don’t you have a Thought-cooker?”
“A what?” Kara shook her head. “I’m sorry, I don’t know what that is.”
“Why, it’s the appliance that feeds you around here! Didn’t that awful Brother Feex show it to you or explain how it works?” As she talked, Gaela led the way back to the kitchenette area.
“No, he didn’t show me anything,” Kara said. “He just brought me to the suite and left.”
“And he didn’t give you any way to contact him?” Gaela looked scandalized when Kara shook her head. “Why, that is completelyunacceptable,my dear!” She turned to Brother Nono, who was still hovering near her. “Nono, I have a new job for you. Go down to Father Gobash and tell him that my good friend Kara needs a new attendant. That awful Feex just won’t do for her at all!”
“Oh no—I don’t want to get anyone in trouble!” Kara protested. “In fact, I kind of like having my suite to myself,” she added.
Gaela raised her eyebrows.
“But without an attendant you don’t have anyone to scrub you or take care of you. And worst of all, you don’t have anyone totease.”As she spoke, she reached out and slid her hand over the part of Brother Nono’s robe where his crotch would be. The result was a low groan from her attendant, but he didn’t try to pull away. In fact, he thrust forward, into her hand.
“That’s right, you like that, don’t you, sweet boy?” Gaela purred as she caressed him. “Would you like it if I unlocked your cock-cage? I have the key, you know. I got it just in case you wereextragood. Do you think you could be good if I unlocked you or would you be so hot and bothered you’d try to mount me? Maybe while I was bending over the bed you’d try to sneak up behind me and?—”