Page 30 of Kidnapped from the Paradise Resort
“Ah—here we are! The Relaxation Grotto!” Gaela exclaimed.
Brother Nono opened the doors for them and they stepped through into a kind of spa.
Kara looked around with appreciation—it seemed like they were underground. The walls were rough gray stone and the lighting was dim and golden. There was a small pond with a quiet fountain burbling to itself. Pink and white blossoms were floating on the surface of the water. They released a sweet, floral scent into the air and soft music with low drumbeats and a single, ethereal flute was playing. A dark hallway led into the back of the spa, where Kara assumed the massage rooms must be.
Gaela took a deep breath.
“Ahhh—this is my favorite place in the whole resort,” she told Kara. “And you’re in for a treat today. I booked us in a double room for a mirror massage.”
“Um, what’s a mirror massage?” Kara asked, frowning.
“Oh, it’s where we get the exact same treatment at the exact same time,” Gaela explained. “So your attendant can do to youexactlywhat my sweet Nono does to me. He’s really quite good, you know,” she added, nodding at Brother Nono. “He’s been trained by the finest massage master in the galaxy.”
“Um…but I don’t have an attendant,” Kara reminded her. At least, not one she wanted to touch her all over. Once again she was glad Feex was MIA.
“Oh, that’s right—that dreadful Feex!” Gaela shook her head. “But never mind—like I told you, they always have a few extra attendants around to help with the massages. Nono—go see who’s available,” she added, looking at her own attendant. “I’m sure there’s someone at the back of the Grotto.”
“No need to look—I’m here.” A tall hooded figure with broad shoulders stepped out from the dark hallway at the end of the lobby area and nodded at them. “Come,” he said. “I’m ready for you.”
Kara thought there was something strange about this new attendant but his hood was so deep she couldn’t see his face.
“Ah, there we are!” Gaela exclaimed. “My friend Kara and I are booked for a mirror massage today so you’ll be doing everything to her that my attendant, Brother Nono does to me. Is that clear?”
“Very clear,” the attendant rumbled. “If you’d like to follow me to the treatment room we can begin.”
The three of them followed him and Kara couldn’t help thinking how tall he was—and how wide his shoulders were. He was almost Kindred-sized, she thought. And why did his voice sound so familiar?
They reached the end of the hallway and stepped into a dimly lit room. Looking around, Kara saw there were four sconces in the four corners with a single candle burning in each. They released a soft, warm fragrance into the air which was immediately calming.
Two padded massage tables were set up, side-by-side, and there were two carts on either side of them with a variety of massage oils and lotions in crystal jars and bottles.
“Ah, this looks perfect!” Gaela announced. “Come, Nono—you can help me get undressed,” she added, nodding at the small dressing room at the far end of the massage area.
As soon as the two of them disappeared into the small room, Kara felt nervous.
“I, uh, don’t usually get massages from men,” she said to the huge attendant. “I’m not sure if?—”
“Kara, it’sme.”
The attendant threw back his hood, revealing a familiar face.
“J’orn?” Kara stared up at him, disbelieving. “What areyoudoing here? I thought you were supposed to be searching for the kidnapping ring!”
“Iam—and this is where my search has led me,” he rumbled. “My source says that one of the Brothers here is working with the ring to snatch unsuspecting women.”
“But you can’t…I mean, I can’t let you give me a massage!” Kara protested.
He frowned.
“If it makes you uncomfortable, I can try to find someone else. But I still don’t know who the culprit is—it might be any one of the Brothers here.”
Kara thought of the creepy, sullen Feex. He very well might be the one who was sending unsuspecting women to their doom. And what if she asked for a new attendant andhewas the one who was sent to her? After all, he technically was her attendant—he would be the logical choice. And shereallydidn’t want him touching her.
“Well…Iguessit will be okay,” she said reluctantly. “I don’t want to blow your cover.”