Page 31 of Kidnapped from the Paradise Resort
“Thank you.” He nodded. “And don’t worry—I’ll be gentle. I know how to give a massage and I know how delicate you humans are.”
Kara wasn’t sure what to say to that, but just then Gaela came back in the room completely naked. Her large pink breasts with their bright pink nipples swayed as she walked. Her public hair was blonde like the hair on her head.
“I’m all ready to go,” she announced and smiled at Kara. “Your turn to get undressed.”
“Um, okay.” Kara wished she had the same kind of confidence the other woman displayed. She’d never liked her own body enough to run around completely nude. But she could at least take off her sundress, and leave her bra and panties on, she supposed.
She slipped into the changing room and hung her dress on the hook beside Galea’s outfit. When she came out, the other woman was already lying face down on the left-hand massage table. She turned her head to look at Kara and frowned.
“Hey—why are you still dressed?”
“I’m not!” Kara protested. “I took off my dress.”
“And left on your underthings! Look, you can’t get a good massage that way,” Gaela told her. “Take everything off or the oils they use will stain the clothes you’re wearing.”
“I just don’t know…where I live we generally at least leave on our bottoms during a massage,” Kara said.
“You’re going to be laying facedown,” Gaela reminded her. “All your attendant sees is your ass. Don’t be silly—go get all the way undressed so we can get started!”
Kara still hesitated, but then J’orn spoke up.
“If you’re uncomfortable with me seeing your body, you can always use a sheet to cover yourself until you get on the table, My Lady,” he said respectfully. As he spoke, he held out a folded white sheet to her.
“Oh, er—thank you.” Kara nodded and took it from him.
Back in the changing room, she debated with herself. Should she really take off all her clothes? At least her massage therapist wasn’t a stranger. She knew J’orn—but would that make a naked massage more or less awkward?
She wasn’t really sure but she couldn’t help thinking of the sexy dream she’d shared with him on the shuttle…or the way he’d told her all the things he wanted to do to her…
No—stop thinking like that! It’s just a massage—that’s all,she scolded herself.
Hurriedly, she stripped off her bra and panties and was glad all over again for the float dots under her breasts which made them look firm and perky. Draping the sheet around herself, she stepped out of the dressing room and went right for the massage table which had been lowered so that she could climb onto it easily.
She settled herself face down, loosening the sheet as she did so. The padded table must have a heater in it because it was pleasantly warm against her bare skin. Also, the padding shifted and molded itself to fit her body—it made two little concavities for her large breasts, which made lying on her stomach much more comfortable. Then Kara felt it raise up slightly under her lower legs, taking some of the strain off her lower back. She wished she could find a massage place with a table like this back home!
“Are you ready, My Lady?” J’orn rumbled as she fitted her face into the padded hole in the table.
“Yes—I’m ready.” Kara nodded and then felt him removing the sheet. She shivered as a cool chill swept down her naked body. God, she couldn’t believe she was actually doing this! She couldn’t believe she was naked on the massage table with her huge ex-assistant about to touch her all over!
No—he’s just going to touch my back—that’s all,she reminded herself. There was no use in getting tense about it—she just needed to relax and let J’orn massage her.
After all, how awkward could it be?
J’orn couldn’t believe he was about to do this—was he truly going to get to touch Kara’s beautiful, naked body? After fantasizing about her for so long, it felt too good to be true.
But he wasn’t here for personal pleasure, he reminded himself sternly. He was here to catch whoever was kidnapping helpless women and selling them to brothels on the dark side of Paradise Prime. He had to keep that in mind and play his part.
Still, he couldn’t help running his eyes over Kara’s body. Even though she was lying facedown, he still loved what he saw. Her ass was so full and her thighs were deliciously thick. She smelled good too—just like the same lotion she’d rubbed into her skin to protect it from the sun on that outing to the beach they’d taken so long ago. So beautiful and curvy… he eyed the crease between her inner thighs, wishing he could do more than just massage her.
He wanted to taste her…to run his tongue up that sweet valley and part her thighs to slip deep into her soft, wet pussy. He wished?—
“Now, attend to me,” the other attendant said.
J’orn looked up and saw that he was a younger Paradisian—maybe in his early twenties since they aged around the same as humans and Kindred. He had a stern look on his face and it was clear that he took the job of massaging his lady very seriously.