Page 27 of Fractured Mind
He looks away. “The War Brothers Motorcycle Club asked me to join them as a prospect. I thought about it but know I won’t be able to because I’d have to leave my current family to join another one and”—he looks back at me—“things change.”
My eyes search his. I wonder what he means with that. Why would he join an MC? “What draws you toward violence?” The question falls from my mouth.
He steps back, unbalanced, his eyes radiating shock. His mouth parts, but nothing comes out. He runs his hands through his thick hair and turns toward the field. There’s silence between us as he watches the game. “It’s an escape.” His words are barely audible, but I hear them. The sadness in his eyes twists my stomach.
Escape from what?What demons lurk behind Ashton’s dark-brown eyes? I ache to comfort him, so with a hammering heart, I move closer, wrap my arm around his waist, and lean my head on his shoulder. He relaxes, and his arm curves around me, pulling me in. I can tell he’s troubled. I’m curious to know why.
I’m snapped back to reality when the yelling gets louder as Roman runs with the ball. One guy misses tackling him, then two, and I flinch as another gets closer. “Go, Roman! Go! Go! Go!” I’m screaming out. He’s too quick on his feet as he runs toward the goal line and scores a touchdown. I’m clapping while Ashton’s cheering. The audience roars and applauds him while team members rush to him with beaming smiles, slapping his back and high-fiving him.
We stay and watch the remainder of the game together. We win fifty-one to seven. Roman scored every touchdown except one. He’s an incredible player. Watching a game is much more exciting when I know someone on the field.
“We should get going,” Ashton says and tilts his head to where the crowds are scattering from. “I’ll walk you back to Ruby.”
At first, disappointment slices me, but it’s not long until I remember that he’s fighting tonight. My breath quickens. “Don’t go,” escapes my lips. I hardly know him, but every fiber of my being wants him safe.
There’s a pained expression in his eyes. “I have to.”
A swirl of emotions passes through me—sadness, worry, and nervousness mesh together, making me on edge, twisting my insides. “Please... don’t go.”
Ashton drops his gaze. “I’m sorry,” he murmurs, then steps closer, pulling me in for a hug. But being in his arms only makes everything worse. As he leans back, his eyes pierce mine. “It’s only a fight.”
That does nothing to ease the tightness in my chest. He takes my hand in his. I should be excited, but nothing can lift my mood, and when we make our way back, Ruby’s eyes bounce between us.
“You ready?” Jackson asks as he walks toward the parking lot with Levi.
Ashton glances at Jackson, then at me, and then back again, looking torn. He pauses before letting go of my hand and jogging toward the guys.
In Ruby’s car on the way home, I stare blankly out the window. When we pull up outside Nana’s house, I thank Ruby for the ride.
“You have nothing to worry about. Ashton’s undefeated. Oh, and don’t forget we’re going on the boat tomorrow.”
It’s the last thing on my mind, but Ruby’s excited. “I know, I’ll be there.”
She peers off, then glances at me with her signature evil grin. “Don’t forget to wear the white bikini.”
That brings a small smile to my face. “Pfft... no chance.”
She laughs as she drives away.
Cheeringfrom the crowd filters through into the back room, where my fists hit the punching bag as I warm up and get ready for my fight.
Whack!Mia still runs.
Whack!Mia begging me to stay with her.
I stop, my head falling back as I gasp for air. Seeing her again has fucked me up. Mia has plagued my mind since she left, and now she’s back, and the disappointment on her face as I left to go fight haunts me. I shake my head, take a step back, swing my arm, and punch the bag again.Whack! Whack! Whack!
“Save your energy.” Levi’s voice carries.
I peer over to see Jackson, Levi, and Roman walking toward me.
“What are you three doing back here?” I ask them.