Page 66 of Fractured Mind
“Look out, Ashton,” Ruby taunts. “Mia looks like that emoji with hearts coming out of its eyes.”
I scowl at Ruby while Ashton holds me tighter. Roman’s eyes dance with amusement.
“Roman is sexy,” the girl on Roman’s lap adds in an attempt at a sultry voice.
“And don’t forget those baby-blue eyes,” Ruby chimes in.
Levi tips his head back and lets out a long, exaggerated groan. “Can we avoid inflating his ego further?”
Ruby and I smile at each other. Roman bellows out a laugh and pats Levi’s shoulder. “The ladies love me, man. They can’t help it.”
Everyone chuckles while the girl seated on Roman’s lap twists around, capturing his lips with hers in a passionate kiss.
“When are you guys having a house party next? It’s beenagessince you’ve had one,” asks Maree.
I think Maree’s dig is aimed at me because they haven’t had a party since I arrived.
Levi’s spine straightens, and he beams. “Hell yes! I’m keen.”
The girls’ smiles match his. I bite back a groan at having to spend any more time with them.
“What about this weekend at ours?” Ruby asks Jackson.
He lifts his eyes to her. “Yeah, whatever.” He looks back at his phone.
Levi nuzzles the girl on his left, who giggles as he whispers in her ear. He looks at Jackson. “Let’s have a private party now.”
I think it was supposed to be a question, but it comes out as a statement.
Jackson shrugs, not looking at him. “I don’t care.”
“Let’s get going,” Levi tells everyone around the table. “Up.” He signals to the girls on his lap. They stand as everybody around the table follows, except for Ashton and me. Not that Ashton has a choice because I’m sitting on him.
“You guys coming?”
I say a silent prayer, hoping he doesn’t want to go. Ashton places open-mouthed kisses down my neck to my collarbone.
Levi stifles a laugh. “I’ll take that as a fuuuck no.”
They all file out, but Ruby smirks at us and winks. “Have fun.”
Levi’s hand moves from the girls’ waists to their asses. “Hey, Jackson,” he yells, not caring if the whole café hears. “Which one do you want?”
I scrunch up my nose in disgust.
“Would you like to go?” Ashton asks.
I answer him by jumping to my feet. He follows, linking his hand with mine as we leave the café.
Once in the car, he turns to face me. “Where are we going?”
“I’m not sure.” I raise my hand to his square jaw and run my fingers down it, feeling the stubble prick my fingertips. My fingers trail to his chin, fall to his chest, and make their way down his body, but I yank my hand away just before it reaches his groin.
Ashton’s eyes turn hungry. “Looks like we’re going to my house.” His voice is deeper and raspier than before, and by the time we pull into the driveway, my heart is beating like crazy. I want to taste him, so immediately after he parks, I lean over, place a hand on each side of his face, and pull his lips to mine. They are soft but eager. Desperation lingers on every sweep of my tongue against his.
“Inside,” he growls against my lips. “Now.”
Sparks of excitement flicker through me at his tone. He hurries out of the car and slams the door closed. He’s at my side, grasping my hand and leading me toward the front door, and when we step inside, he kicks the door with his foot to slam it shut. We make our way through the house. I search for Jade, but I don’t see her. We pass through the living room, down a hallway, until we reach a door.