Page 26 of Primal Bonds 1
Raged erupted within him, and he saw red.
He walked farther in, and without so much as a by-your-leave, he sent his fist smashing into the one’s face closest to him, rendering the man unconscious in an instant as he fell to the ground with a thud. The group next to that man noticed him then, and Adam welcomed that attention. He grinned darkly, his smoky eyes glinting menacingly.
He went all out, smashing his fists and kicking his legs into faces and body parts that came his way, dispatching grown men, throwing them back with his raw strength alone. He had already taken down about ten men when the group on the other side noticed his presence. Well, it was to be expected since this place was fucking rowdy, what with the ear-piercing death metal music and loud shouting, cheering, and laughter.
Tony, the gang leader, finally realized there was something going on that required his attention. He moved back from the catkin boy and pulled up his pants. Then, with a smirk on his face, he marched toward Adam.
Since the room was dimly lit with disco light flitting here and there, none of the men knew who Adam was, not until someone switched on the main light and everyone saw his face.
There were audible gasps all around, and Tony suddenly went pale as a ghost as he stopped short in his tracks a good distance away from Adam.
“Adam,” he said, his voice shaky. “What… What are you doing here, sir?”
Adam noticed a smudge of dirt on his expensive suit jacket, probably from the fight just now. He clicked his tongue as he brushed it off with the back of his fingers, a fearsome, dark frown on his face. Once he was slightly satisfied that it was clean, he flicked his icy gaze to Tony, who was currently shaking in his boots.
“You fucked up my boy,” Adam said coldly. “It’s time you pay.”
Tony blinked. “What? Your boy, but, sir, I—”
No one saw what happened, but the next thing they knew, Tony was pinned against the wall on the other side of the room, Adam in front of him and his hand around Tony’s throat.
Tony was choking, tears in his eyes as he struggled to breathe.
With one hand, Adam tightened his hold and lifted Tony—a bulky man—up against the wall until his feet was dangling off the floor.
The other men were tense and obviously terrified as they watched in silence. A few had already sneaked off and ran away, but of course Adam didn’t need to worry about them. He knew they’d be taken care of out there.
“I believe you did something like this to him?” Adam said. “I saw bruise marks on his neck. Such a beautiful, slender neck.” He leaned closer. “And the most beautiful blue eyes and the softest white hair.” He looked atTony’s oily, unwashed hair. “And a pair of very cute fox ears.”
Tony’s eyes grew wide, and if he looked freaked out before, he was frozen with terror now.
“Sir… It was… It was a mistake…” Tony managed to get out.
Adam, his beautiful face a hard mask, said, “There is no mistake in our world, Tony. I was lenient enough to let you and your gang roam in this part of the neighborhood, but no more.”
“Please, sir…” Tony begged. “I…”
Adam tightened his hand around Tony’s neck until he almost passed out, tears running down his face, his eyeballs bulging out. Then and only then did he loosen his grip and thrust the man to the side.
Tony’s heavy body landed on the floor. There, he heaved and coughed, struggling to breathe as his entire being shook—an unpleasant sight, one he used to enjoy watching on others, beastkins especially. But now, it was his turn, and the experience was fucking unpleasant.
Adam shifted his gaze to the two beastkin boys huddling close together, whimpering in the corner. One was staring at him, frightened, while the other was hiding his face.
Turning back to the rest of the gang members, he said loudly, his voice firm and cold, “Don’t ever step foot inmyterritory again. You all know of my reputation. I give one warning, so let this be that one warning. If I see any of you in my territory again, I will kill you. If I hear anyone of you doing something this disgusting again, terrorizing the beastkin or otherhomeless, I will hunt you down and kill the lot of you.” With that, he turned on his heel and headed to the beastkin boys.
He came down to one knee and reached out his hand. “Come.”
The cat boy stared at him for a moment and then hesitantly placed his shaky hand in Adam’s. He drew the boy up, and the rabbit boy stood, too. As he led them toward the stairs, the two beastkin boys stayed close to him, their eyes wearily on the other men watching them.
Once outside, as expected, Adam saw Nolan there, leaning his tall, lean frame against the wall of the building on the opposite side of the alleyway. Close by was Lan, the wolfkin boy Nolan had picked up from the street and was now the brother’s personal bodyguard. Scattered here and there were about twenty of the Sullivan’s men.
One of the men came up to him, and Adam said, “Take the boys to the clinic.”
The man nodded. “Yes, sir.”
Once the two beastkin was taken away, Adam finally said to the other men, “Go and make sure they receive a good service from the Sullivan.”
Instantly, the men filed in through the door, and it wasn’t long before cries of terror echoed across the neighborhood.