Page 27 of Primal Bonds 1
Running his fingers through his hair, Adam walked to his brother and said, “Because of you I can never get any peace.”
“Because of you I have to run the fucking clan for six fucking months. Come back, Adam. I’m no good at it.You’ve already seen what a failure I am. I don’t have that terrifying factor like you do.”
“No, you don’t,” Adam agreed. “But I won’t come back just yet. Give me a little time to have some fun, will you?”
“Because of that beautiful foxkin boy?” Nolan asked. “I admit he’s pretty and very fuckable, but shit, Adam…” He sighed. “Luka and Shane are making it hard for me to work. I’m no challenge for them, those bastards. I’m too soft for this sort of shit. Calum knew you were the right man for the job. I’m working hard not to lose any money, but I can’t guarantee that for the next three to four months.”
“Give me until Shiro leaves,” Adam said.
“Ah, so it’s up to that boy, eh?” Nolan chuckled. “Such a small, insignificant boy and he has that much power over you.”
Adam snorted. “You’ll understand the feeling when you meet one someday.”
Nolan stiffened as he shifted his gaze to Lan, who was now standing a little distance away, his slender back to them as he kept watch. Adam noticed.
“I fucking hope not,” Nolan said.
Ah, still in denial. What a stubborn brother.
“All right, I’ll hold down the fort until that little darling of yours decides to leave, but no longer than that. Fuck, but what happens if he decides to stay longer than expected?”
Adam shrugged. “Then we’ll see.”
“Adam,” Nolan said darkly. “If you don’t return, I swear I’m going to walk out, too, and Calum’s hard workwill be for nothing. Your hard work for the past ten years will be for nothing. Our clan will be taken over by either Luka or Shane.”
“That won’t happen,” Adam said. “Because I won’t let that happen.” He sighed. “It seems I can’t just walk out on that life, after all.” With that, he turned on his heel. “By the way, either tell the men to fuck off or remind them to be more inconspicuous. Their presence is freaking Shiro out.”
Nolan chuckled. “I’ll remind them to be more inconspicuous, but it’s a no to them fucking off. It’s for your own safety.”
Adam tsked. As he walked past Lan, the boy turned to nod at him.
“Take care of my idiot brother, Lan,” he said.
Lan nodded. “Yes, sir.”
Adam ruffled the boy’s hair, stroking Lan’s wolf ears, and Lan let out a small, low moan.
Beastkin did that, didn’t they? Gave out that cute, low, satisfactory, feel-good moan when you caressed their ears. He wondered if he’d get the same reaction from Shiro.
Loudly, Nolan said, “You’re distracting Lan from his job, you idiot brother!”
Adam knew he had annoyed Nolan, and he chuckled as he removed his hand. Instead of apologizing, which he never did anyway, he said, “See you later.”
As Adam walked away, Lan said, “I wish Master Adam would come back soon.”
Nolan glanced at the boy’s profile and asked, “Youworried about him that much? Then why didn’t you offer to be his bodyguard instead of mine?”
“Because Master Adam doesn’t need a bodyguard, but you do, and I’m worried about you. You’re very stressed when Master Adam isn’t around and it’s not good for your health.”
Nolan growled lowly. He reached out and ruffled the boy’s hair. “You idiot wolf. Stop talking nonsense.” He sighed and then turned to look at the building behind them. It had gone eerily quiet now, which meant Tony and his gang members had either been beaten to a pulp or worse, died, which was expected in their part of the world.
“That boy,” Lan said. “He must be something very special, don’t you think, Master Nolan?”
Nolan raised a brow, turning his attention back to Lan. “What do you mean?”
Lan said, “The boy who has the power to bring Master Adam out of his sabbatical leave.” He turned to look at the door, the men now returning, smirks clearly showing on their faces. “Master Adam initiating that. It’s a declaration, isn’t it? That he won’t tolerate shit.”
Nolan snorted. Lan was right, of course. Suddenly, he had an idea and just knew it was going to be fucking entertaining.