Page 116 of Rumor Has It
Monty exits the closed conference room.
“Is he gone?” I force the lump down my throat.
Part of the agreement Dillon and I came to includes Dillon making himself scarce. The exchange will happen with Cassidy and me out of sight. Someday we’ll find common ground, but I can’t stand to see his face and I won’t force Cassidy to watch Dillon walk out of the hotel holding onto the child that called her mama.
“Yeah, he signed. Hey, lil’ miss.” he bops Aria’s nose. “You be a good girl. Steve-O’s got Isaiah on speed dial and he’ll tattletale on you if you’re getting into any trouble.”
She blows a raspberry and giggles.
Vespa pushes her way out. She has her laptop case and is dragging a rolling suitcase. “Your lawyer’s ready for you.”
“Why are you going—”
My assistant cuts me off. “Witnessing this is another thing you don’t pay me enough for.” Vespa turns on her heel and flees.
Monty shakes with Steve. “I’m going to go check on the other Miss Cavanaugh… And maybe buy V a shot of Macallen at the hotel bar.” He shrugs, strolling off with his hands shoved in his pockets.
Monty doesn’t drink on duty or else I’d call after him to order one for himself and have him put them on my tab.
Vespa? I don’t hold it against her for making break for it. She’s got an iron will and she did everything I asked of her during the transition. But even strong people reach a tipping point. I hired her because I was certain she’d have my best interest at heart. I still believe she does, especially after Cassidy told me abut her breakdown.
Steve blends into the woodwork as Cassidy and I say our last goodbyes to Aria.
I hug the baby, choking on the words I’ve said to her millions of times and expected to say a million more. “I love you.”
When I let Aria go to Cassidy, she holds Aria tight to her chest, twisting back and forth, and cupping her head. Cassidy’s lip trembles and tears spill down her cheeks.
“We’re doing the right thing,” she says to me.
Then how come it feels so wrong?
Cassidy showers the baby with kisses, telling her how much she loves her. A fleeting moment later, she hands Aria off to Steve, aware I’m utterly incapable of doing so.
“Say ‘bye’.” He waves, pretending for her sake it’s like any other time we step away from our little girl.
Aria mimics his gesture. The way I taught her to, she puckers and blows Cass kisses. Aria doesn’t know we’re not coming back out to get her.
I place my hand on Cassidy’s back and we step inside. The room is empty but me, Cassidy, my lawyer, and an imposing stack of papers.
I take a seat at the conference table. Cassidy sits to my left, so close I feel her every exhale. The lawyer explains everything we’ve already gone over. Unfortunately, it’s still the same. The date and Dillon’s signature is on the line across from mine. He’s starting a new chapter and getting to celebrate his daughter’s first birthday with her.
I grip the pen, holding it in the air for a beat. Waiting for a sign.
Dear God, crack me over the head or do something!
If I hesitate much longer, I’ll tear this sheet in two. We’ll go to court. I can drag this out. But time has proven I’m a fool for love.
ScrawlingIsaiah Roomer,I sign half of my heart away.
Chapter Forty-six
“You’re free to go whenever you’d like.” Packing up, the lawyer says the same words as he had when he briefly opened the door to talk to Steve.
Isaiah and I remain frozen. My lower lip wobbles. His lips twist into a grimace.
“I’m so sorry,” I cry when the lawyer is gone.