Page 32 of Royally Scr*wed
I will kill the son of a bitch myself. To revenge the death of my parents and my grandfather. Anderson Levi will never live to harm another soul.
Ozzy continues on his tirade with each step we take while I go on ignoring him.
“Julius,” he snaps and grabs me by the shoulder before we turn the final corner. “Let me be the one to handle it. Keep your hands as clean as possible. I know this is personal for you, but it’s personal for me too. Let me do my job and serve the monarchy.”
“This isn’t up for debate. Anderson deserves to die at the same hands that he’s stolen so much from,” I stomp around the corner and command the guards who have been keeping watch to vacate their posts.
“Your Majesty…”
Of course one of them is going to protest.
“Oh, the little orphan bastard is back. I had such high hopes that Sebastian would finish the job once and for all after his little visit with me tonight,” Anderson antagonizes.
My attention snaps to the guards who’ve now drawn their guns on us.
“You really think all of the people support you as king, don’t you?” Anderson laughs.
“Drop your weapons,” I order.
“They don’t take orders from you,” Anderson keeps talking.
The tremble in Dumbass #1’s hands tells me that he’s uncomfortable. I’m willing to bet Anderson has some sort of dirt on him and is using it against him to secure his loyalty. Unfortunately, it will likely cost his life as well, unless he comes to his senses and drops that goddamn gun.
“You will drop those weapons at once or I will kill you myself,” I warn.
“Not if I killyoufirst,” Anderson laughs maniacally.
I’m knocked to the ground and hiss at the feeling of fire ripping through my shoulder. Shots pop off in quick succession all around me, hitting the walls and ricocheting debris everywhere.
“I really wish you’d listen to me,” Oscar winces as he covers my body with his.
“All clear,” a familiar voice echoes in the damp space.
Ozzy stands and pulls me to my feet and puts pressure on my bleeding shoulder. “You’re going to need a few stitches. Looks like it’s just a flesh wound though. Lucky fucker.”
Smacking his hand away, I hold on to my own arm and access the situation.
Both guards are dead, and Anderson’s dead body lays still inside his cell.
Several other members of palace security and the task force brought in to find Sebastian surround us.
“Your Majesty let’s get you out of here,” one of the guards tries to escort me out of the area.
“I’ve got the King. Get all this shit cleaned up.”
“Wait,” I let go of my arm, briefly. “Hand me my gun,” I tell Ozzy.
“Your Majesty…” he cautions.
“Oscar, hand me my Goddamn gun.”
He mumbles under his breath but picks my gun up off the ground and hands it to me.
I step inside Anderson’s now open cell and shoot him once more, ensuring the motherfucker is dead…for good.
“Now, get me the hell out of here. I’m feeling lightheaded.”
“I except that you will all handled this promptly and with the utmost discretion. No one is to breathe a word of what has transpired until after we’ve convened at the top of the hour. Am I clear?” Ozzy demands from everyone huddled in the area.