Page 33 of Royally Scr*wed
A round of agreement echoes through the dungeon before he escorts me to the house doctor for medical attention.
“Oh my God! Jude! What happened?”
Charlie comes running in and is at my side in an instant as Doctor Llewelyn stitches the small flesh would on my right shoulder.
“It’s just a scratch,” I try to brush her off.
“That is NOT just a scratch. Start talking this instant!”
“Hey. Charlie,” I try to keep my voice even keel. “Breathe. I’m fine.”
She rewards me with hard punch in the chest. “Do not patronize me. Jude, you shot a man in our bedroom and then went running of to God knows where while having Elias shuffle me off elsewhere. Only for you to come back with ‘a scratch’ that requires stitches! You are not fine and frankly, neither am I.”
A knot forms in my throat as her words sink in.
“Everyone out,” I command.
Ozzy and Elias are quick to step out.
Doctor Llewelyn coughs into his elbow. “Your Majesty, I must finish this suture. Please, remain still.”
“You can finish once I’ve spoken with my wife.”
“No.” Charlie snaps. “You will sit still and allow the noble doctor to finish his sutures. While you explain to me what the hell happened.”
“Charlotte,” I warn.
“Julius. Donotstart with me.”
Far too exhausted and overwhelmed to continue challenging her, I sigh. “I handled official business. That is all. The threats to the crown have been eliminated, my love.”
“What do you mean?” her voice quivers the way it tends to when she’s nervous or scared.
I’d be scared of me right now, too.
“Very well,” Doctor Llewelyn pats my forearm before I have a chance to answer her. “They should come out in seven to ten days. Be sure to take the antibiotics as prescribed and let me know if it becomes inflamed. I’ll check in on you in two days or so.”
“Appreciate it Doc.”
“Thank you Doctor Llewelyn,” Charlie gives him a gentle smile.
“I’ll leave you both two it,” he says before quickly gathering his things and walking out only for Ozzy to walk in behind him.
“Your Majesty…” Ozzy pauses.
“Not finished talking withmy wife,” I grit out.
“Ozzy, he says all threats to the crown have been eliminated. Is that so? Anyone care to elaborate?”
“Anderson and Sebastian have both been dealt with. We have a security meeting in…” Ozzy looks at his watch, “ten minutes.”
“While I’d really love to discuss this with you further, my dear, I do need to get on with this meeting,” I try to weasel my way out of any other questions she may have.
“Great, I’ll join out. After all, the queen should be apprised of current security reports, especially within the castle walls,” Charlie says standing tall.