Page 36 of Royally Scr*wed
“Oh, but you have. I’m the realist version of me whenever I’m with you.”
Be still my heart. Everything about this man intoxicates me. “You’re quite the smooth talker, Your Majesty.”
“I’m just telling you the truth, my queen.”
“I never stood a chance when it came to falling for you. You know that, right?”
“I had hoped so,” he gives me squeeze.
“Do you think things will return to normal now that Anderson and Sebastian are…gone?”
“We know that there is always a small threat that comes with this position but I sure as hell hope so. I’m ready to really start living my life with you and leading this country without having to constantly look over my shoulder because those two are on the loose.”
“I like the sound of that much better.”
“I think it should make Ottiline’s case worker happy too. I’ll be so glad when our girl is officially ours.”
“It will be nice when everything is finalized. I’m sure it will make Ottiline more comfortable knowing there’s no chance she’ll have to go back to the orphanage.”
“We have another meeting with the court and her case worker next week. Hopefully that will be the last one before it’s final.”
“I think Willow is excited to have another girl her age in the palace.”
Jude blows out a breath. “Speaking of the palace…I’ve been thinking about it, and I’ve spoken with Ozzy too…”
This sounds serious so, I sit up a little straighter to get a better look at him. “Go on.”
“There’s a place on the north side of the island. It was once a vacation home, but Sommerset Castle is where I spent a lot of my formative years. My parents planned to raise Willow there. What would you say about raisingourfamily there?”
“What do you mean? What about this place?”
Personally, escaping the palace walls seems like a dream come true. I think this place will always haunt me now.
“I think it’s time that this Rexford Reign really shakes things up and starts over. In a place where there are happy memories. A place where our family can be safe. No hidden tunnels. No secrets or bloodstains on the carpet.”
“Almost sounds too good to be true,” I unintentionally mutter out loud.
“I promise you, it’s not too good to be true, my love. It’s a place where I can assure not many have set foot. The new security detail will be among the very few that will know the place, just another layer of protection for us. I wish to take you there to see it. I think you’ll fall in love, just as I have.”
“I’m sure I’ll love it. Because you do, and I love you.”
“I think that’s what makes me the luckiest bastard in the world,” he tells me with a kiss. “I’ll arrange for us to visit tomorrow. I do not wish to wait. The sooner we settle in, the sooner we can fill Sommerset with a bunch of children of our own.”
A bunch of children…
It’s not the first time Jude has mentioned being eager for babies. And it’s not like we’ve done anything at all to prevent such miracles from happening…
I fall silent as I begin counting days and wondering. Jude may just get his wish sooner rather than later.
* * *
A few weeks later…
Much like life has been since Jude claimed me as his own, things around here have continued to move quickly.
Jude was right. The moment he took me to visit Sommerset Castle, I fell in love. Something about this place makes it feel so much more welcoming. It’s like we’re truly coming home every time we walk through the doors.
At three fourths of the size of Rexford Palace, Sommerset Castle still provides plenty of space to meet all our needs. And according to Oscar and Nigel – it proves to be much safer with fewer access points. Not that any of us are planning to have to endure anything like we have over the last few weeks again anytime soon.