Page 37 of Royally Scr*wed
On the third floor and just two doors down from where the suite Jude and I selected for ourselves, there’s a room just waiting for its newest resident. Decorated in rose gold and soft pinks, it’s a room fit for a fifteen-year-old princess. A princess who, after today, will be calling this her permanent home.
“You’re certain that they won’t change their minds at the last moment?” Ottiline looks up at Jude with tears in her eyes.
“Have you forgotten? I am the King. No one says no to me,” he jests with a wink and squeezes her hand gently.
Ottiline responds much like the other teenager in our lives and rolls her eyes. “You’re Just Jude to me.”
“Shh. Don’t tell everyone my secrets, kid.”
I smile to myself. Truth is, I shared Ottiline’s worries right up until the last minute as well. With everything that’s happened since Jude and I first came forward and applied to adopt her – I couldn’t even fathom how anyone would let us become her legal guardians. Yet, here we are, sitting in the conference room on the first floor of Sommerset Castle with a laptop set up in front of us while we wait for Children’s Services to join us on the web meeting and deliver the good news.
The screen finally flickers, and the family court judge appears on screen with a smile on his face.
He makes small talk and asks Ottiline a few questions before briefly reviewing her case file once more.
“Your Majesty, Julius Hugh Rexford, III and Your Majesty, Charlotte Summer Rexford – it is with the greatest honor that I hereby grant you legal guardians and parents to Ottiline Neveah Rexford. All of her documents have been finalized including her official name change. Ottiline, or shall I say – Your Highness, Princess Ottiline Rexford – let me be the first to welcome as a member of the royal family of Herefirth.”
“Oh.” Ottiline blinks as if she can’t believe this has actually happened.
Jude reaches behind her to squeeze my shoulder and give me a proud smile.
“Does anyone have any questions for me?” the judge asks.
“This is real, right?” Ottiline immediately pipes up.
“It is. It’s all official,” he assures her.
“I’m a Rexford. I have finally have a family,” she sobs. “Jude. Charlie. I…”
“We know,” I tell her while wrapping her in a hug.
“If that’s everything, then we’re all finished here,” the judge lets us know and just like that – we’re officially parents.
“I hope you’re feeling up to partying tonight because I’ve invited all of your friends over and Charlie’s parents have been working all day to get everything together,” Jude says.
I knew he wasn’t going to be able to keep her ‘surprise’ party a surprise.
“A party?!” she gasps.
Jude nods. “Every king and queen get a coronation, we thought thatourPrincess should have her own official ceremony too.”
Ottiline’s face drops and she shudders. “But, what if someone tries to ruin it, like they did your wedding?”
“Hey,” I kneel in front of her and take both of her hands in mine. “That’s not going to happen.”
“She’s right,” Günter, Ottiline’s personal detail speaks up, startling all of us.
“Ugh. You’ve got to stop doing that! Where did you come from, anyway?” Ottiline glares at young man who’s been assigned to guard her with his own life.
“I’m always around. I’ve told you that,” he says with a smirk.
Jude quickly nudges his foot in warning. Ah, already the overprotective father. I’m not the least bit shocked by his behavior. The way he’s been with Willow all these years was a good indication of how parenthood would go.
But speaking of parenthood…
Clearing my throat, I prepare myself to deliver some news that I hope Ottiline will welcome with open arms. “Willow has mentioned that she would love to help you get ready for this evening if you’d like. Before that, there’s something else that I wanted to tell you. Well, I wanted to tell you and Jude, to be honest.”
Jude gives me puzzled look. “What are you up to?”