Page 19 of Adam & Eve
sin. Black waist-length hair, big tits, a small waist and a large ass. She was enough to temp the
devil himself. She was perfect.
The agency I found her at charged two-thousand an hour for her services. I offered her
double. She had no problem with approaching Davis outside the locker room after a game. I
watched as she pretended to be his biggest fan. When she offered to fuck him, he sent Eve home
without hesitation. He didn’t blink an eye as he lied to her. She was too trusting. She suspected
I followed him and Bianca to a hotel. That night she fucked him in positions and ways only
a professional could. She’d taken pictures and recorded the encounter, like I’d told her to. As I
watched him betray Eve in the footage with a whore, I thought about snapping his neck. How could
he do that to her? The only thing that stopped me was knowing he would be out of her life soon.
Three days. It took Bianca three days to convince him to confess his sins to Eve. Bianca
had stood at his side with her arms wrapped around his waist dressed in jeans and a university t-
shirt. She really did look the part of a college student instead of a whore; an Oscar worthy
Without shame, he introduced Bianca as his girlfriend like he hadn’t cheated on his actual
girlfriend with her. Eve stared at the both them for a few seconds, pushed past them and walked off
without a word. Five days later, when I stopped paying Bianca for her time, she quickly
disappeared from Davis’ life.
It took no time for him to run back to Eve. He begged and pleaded for her to come back.
When he asked for another chance, she’d told him to kiss her black ass and walked away. I stood
on the second floor of the library eavesdropping. At the exit, she’d paused and turned as if she’d
felt someone there—like she’d felt me there. She searched for me, her gaze immediately finding
mine. There was a question in her eyes as if she’d wanted to know how much I’d seen and heard. I
turned away before she could see the truth. When I turned back around, she was gone. I fell deeper
into my obsession with her.
When I came back to the present, Eve was watching me with a look of disgust on her face.
“What are you grinning at?” she barked.
“You. You’re everything I expected,” I said while I rubbed her saliva into my skin.
Her look of disgust deepened.