Page 80 of Adam & Eve
up and down to the memory of the silky feel of her skin against mine. I heard her calling my name. I
felt her pussy gripping me as if she was there. The memories were so vivid it was as if I was living
it again.
I'd never forget how her pussy felt wrapped around my dick, how it felt to cum deep inside
her. I came, angrily calling out her name. With my orgasm came clarity. There were changes in my life
that needed to be made, starting with my marriage. I’d returned with the intentions of going back to my
normal life. I didn’t think I could, not after a glimpse of what I could have.
My lawyer was the first call I made after getting dressed. He answered on the first ring like
always. I didn’t bother with the usual forced pleasantries.
“I want a divorce. I need it to happen soon as possible. Send me the papers by the end of the
day, and I’ll have them to you first thing in the morning.”
I hung up then booted my computer to wait for what I knew was coming next. Though I paid
my lawyer, he reported to my father. That meant daddy dearest would receive a call from him about
my plans. Not five minutes passed before my office phone rang.
“Father,” I answered indifferently.
“Son.” He exhaled a sigh before speaking. “I know you’ve been with the black girl. I hope you
haven’t done anything I can’t clean up this time. I can’t keep hiding bodies for you.”
“One body,” I snarled angrily into the phone. The rest I’d taken care of myself. “And I can
assure you you’ve spent more time cleaning up your own fuck ups than you have mine. Furthermore,
Maggie’s death was as much as your fault as it was mine. You shouldn’t have disrespected Mother in
her own house. Her blood is on your hands.”
He snapped, “Didn’t I tell you never to speak that name to me again?”
I heard the hurt and hate in his voice. I believed he actually thought he’d loved her. The idea
of him loving someone made me laugh. Men like my father didn’t know what love was. They liked
“You brought her up,” I reminded him. “I guess thirteen years hasn’t been long enough for you
to get over that incident.”
“Incident? What you did wasn’t a simple incident,” he said, seething.
Maggie. She was a subject my father didn’t like discussing unless of course it was to blame
me for her death. She had been a twenty- something-year-old secretary he’d been fucking. She was