Page 81 of Adam & Eve
ambitious and determined to take him away from my mother.
Sure, I’d slit her throat while she luxuriated in my mother’s bathtub, but he was also to blame.
He had brought her into our twisted world and gave her hopes of becoming a permanent part of it,
knowing that she would never be more than his whore. As far as I was concerned, it was his
responsibility to clean up that mess because he’d created it. Every so often he would try to hold her
over my head, but it wouldn’t work. I felt no guilt about what I’d done to her, because she deserved it.
The day she’d died, I’d over heard her on the phone calling my mother. She’d told her to come
home quickly, that it was an emergency. Then I’d heard her and my father fucking in my parents’
bedroom. She wanted them to be caught. I killed her because she didn’t know her place.
“I killed her because of you. You—”
Clearing his throat, he interrupted me and changed the subject before I could say more. “Mr.
Bynum called me to tell me you’re considering divorce. I won’t allow it. Why can’t you just do what
you’re supposed to?”
“What I’m supposed to? Old man, you’ve lost your fucking mind.”
I didn’t bother with wasting another word on him. I hung up. Arguments with my father were
always fruitless. They just resulted in pissing me off.
T W E N T Y - O N E
“You have to consider how this will look, Adam. We haven’t even been married five years and
you’ve asked for a divorce.”
Jenny sat on the opposite end of a dining room table that could sit twenty people. I still felt the
need to put more space between us. She was pissing me off, but I indulged her. Sat through the “family
breakfast” she insisted we should have when I told her we needed to talk. Now I was ready to go, but
not before she signed our divorce papers. My lawyer had them delivered to me first thing that
morning. I asked her to sign them as soon as we finished eating breakfast.
“Are you listening to me?” she whined in the annoying nasally voice she used whenever she
wanted to get her way.
It had never worked on me, so why she insisted using it was beyond me. I hated that voice. It
caused my willingness to listen to what she had to say to dissipate.
“Your father won’t allow you to divorce me.” She finished her little tantrum with that tidbit.
I sighed heavily and cast my gaze to the ceiling. The fool woman didn’t know she was