Page 82 of Adam & Eve
teetering on the edge of my patience. and she’d regret pushing me any further.
“Just sign the fucking papers, Jenny,” I managed to grit out.
Rising from my chair, I made my way to her side and placed the pen that she’d refused to take
earlier on the table next to her plate. I took a step back and pinned her with a serious stare.
She glared back defiantly. “No,” she snapped and threw the papers.
They hit my chest, and I became momentarily distracted, watching as they scattered then
fluttered to the tiled floor. Catching me off guard, her hand connected with my cheek. It stung worse
than when Eve had hit me. The pain and the taste of blood in my mouth made my dick hard. Her
uncharacteristic show of defiance pulled at the baser side of me.
For a moment I didn’t know whether I wanted to fuck her or kill her. In an instant my body
decided for me. The temptation to bend her over on the dining room table and fuck her hard and fast
until she was raw hit me head on. My arousal for her was fleeting though. I hadn’t fucked her in
years. I wouldn’t start again.
A lack of backbone had always been one of my points of contention when it came to women.
There were more Jennys in the world than Eves. Women like Jenny were complacent. They’d do and
put up with anything to stay with a man for a title and money. That had never been an attractive trait to
have in my opinion.
I stepped back. A smirk came to my lips when her face turned bright red. She was
embarrassed about striking me. Prim and proper princesses didn’t hit their husbands. I was amused;
until she spoke.
“It’s that bitch, isn’t it? That black bitch,” she roared, her usually soft whiney voice now loud
and clear.
“What the fuck did you say?”
She ignored my menacing tone and step in her direction and continued. Jenny had always been
and would always be a stupid, stupid woman.
“Oh yeah, I know about her.” She wagged her head up and down like a fucking bobble head
doll. “I knew about that bitch from the beginning. I know you’ve been following her. That’s where
you’ve been for the last month, and now you want to leave me for her? For her?” she accused and
correctly so.
I didn’t care that she knew. It was her indignant tone when she said her that caused my blood