Page 41 of Saving Grace
“You can go.” He dismissed Tank. Waving his little hand in the direction of the doors.
“Like father like son.” Tank chuckled before he stepped back into the hospital.
The boy, my son sighed heavy and long, like an adult and I wanted to laugh.
He cocked his head. “You mad?” He asked but didn’t wait for me to answer.
“My momma said you’d be mad and that I shouldn’t take it personal.”
“I’m not mad.” I lied.
He cocked his brow and gave me the same condescending smirk his momma used to give me. His gaze fell to my bloody hand. I slid it into my pocket feeling for the first time in a long time ashamed of my behavior.
“Ok, if you say so. I have to do something though, so let me get this over with and Imma leave you alone to unbox. You ready?” he stood looking down at me with my eyes, waiting for an answer.
I nodded, but not knowing what to expect. I had known him less than fifteen minutes, but already expected just about anything to come out of his mouth.
He blew out a big breath and crossed his hands in front of him. “My momma said, there would be a time I’d meet you. She said you’d probably be in your feelings, throwing a fit, punching the wall or kicking it. She said you are where I got my issues with my temperament. I don’t think I got issues, and I’ve never been punch a wall mad. I just like to have my way. But Granny Joyce said everybody like to have their own way, but just because you want something, don’t mean you gonna get it. His eyes met mine. “Seriously, you might want to learn that too, because your hand looked like it hurt a lot”
He paused. “She also said “AJ, don’t get sidetracked and I’m getting sidetracked. I’m supposed to tell you—” he paused. “Shit, I can’t remember the rest. Hold on, I’ll be right back.” He turned and headed back into the hospital before I could respond.
Did he just say shit?
I sat there anxiously awaiting his return. I wanted to hear what he had to say, even if it didn’t make sense. I just wanted to hear him speak. He came back out of the hospital without thank this time and retook his vacated spot in front of me.
“Ok I got it. My momma said, your name is Atticus, you’ve been her best friend since the day you saved her. You are my daddy. You didn’t know about me because she couldn’t tell you, but she said she would eventually.” He stopped scratched his head. “I don’t think I was supposed to say all that, there was something else.”
He walked back over to the door, opened it and yelled in.
“Granny, Granny I forgot again.”
“Just tell him your name and give him a hug.”
“You gonna tell my momma I forgot?” He asked her.
“No, now close the door and stop yelling through this hospital.” Ms. Joyce scolded.
“Sorry.” He yelled back anyways, causing me to chuckle. He came back and stood in front of me.
“We aren’t at the hugging stage yet, but my momma told me to always shake a person’s hand when I introduce myself.” He held out his left hand. I took his hand in mine and the emotion from touching him for the first time caused tears to come to my eyes. I wouldn’t let them drop though.
“I’m Atticus Roman Jr,” he shook my hand. “But my last name’s Devereux. My momma say she didn’t feel guilty enough to give me your last name when she was the one that spent twelve hours birthing me.”
I lost it, the tears started flowing and I couldn’t stop them.
My son, without shame looked down at me and rolled his eyes.
“Dude, you do everything my momma say you gonna do. You even crying. This feels awkward. I’m going to give you a minute to get yourself together, then I’ll come back and we can discuss my cookies.”
He snatched his hand from mine and ran back into the hospital.
That caused me to laugh again. I couldn’t believe I was sitting outside the hospital both laughing and crying at the same time. It took at least fifteen minutes for me to compose myself. After, I got up and made my way back into the hospital.
Tank was sitting talking with Junior. They stopped talking when I walked in, Tank looked worried for me.
“He was outside crying like a baby.” My son leaned over and whispered too loudly to be an actual whisper.
“Stop that.” Ms. Joyce swatted at him, but she laughed behind her free hand