Page 119 of Lightning Angel
Alexa snapped out of her thoughts as she felt a hand clasping over hers, which were folded over her belly. She pulled away instinctively, realizing only in the next second that it washim.
Invisible.Of course.
“Tristan,” she whispered as low as possible, and reached out into the air for him, her heart flaring to life realizing he had come.
Her hand brushed his and he clasped it, intertwining their fingers. Alexa pulled him down immediately, her other hand searching in the air with the desire to touch his face. When she did, a watery smile broke into her face.
Tristan’s familiar scent wafted around her, giving her an at-home feel in the hospital of all places. His hot breath fanned her cheek and his other hand cradled the side of her face.
“I’m here.”
Alexa stole a glance at her sleeping sister on the couch and looked back at the empty space where he hovered over her. “I wanna see you,” she pleaded.
“But if Cassie wakes up—”
“Just for a few seconds,” she cut in, her eyes imploring. “Please, Tristan, and I’ll let you call me Lexamkpin or whatever ridiculous nicknames you come up with in the future.”
Tristan chuckled softly, his breath now fanning her jaw and neck, and the sound of his laugh warmed her insides. “You wanna see my face for a few seconds so badly that you’ll let me call you myridiculous nicknames?”
“You have no idea.”
Tristan sighed. “You never cease to surprise me, Alexandra Ford.”
Alexa felt him lean closer, and his soft lips pressed to her forehead in a tender kiss. She shut her eyes in contentment, and opening them, his beautiful face filled her vision. She sighed longingly, a smile on her lips.
“I’ve missed you.”
“And I you,” Tristan whispered back, the glint in his electric-blue eyes something between joy and pain. “But I can’t stay longer.”
He began to pull away with rueful eyes but Alexa held him back, her eyes alarmed. “But you just got here. Stay please.”
“Lexa…” Tristan’s eyes betrayed his mask, and the desire to stay with her glistened in them. But he was hesitant. “It’s too dangerous.”
She narrowed her eyes at him. “You’ve never once told methatsince we began hanging out. Is this because you think it’syourfault I’m here?”
“Itismy fault,” he insisted, his eyes hardening.
“You’re stupid. Tristan, you saved me!”
“AfterI nearly destroyed you!” He glared back.
“You weren’t even struck until I was ripped from your arms,” she hissed and stole a glance at Cassie to make sure she was still asleep. “The last thing I saw was you being struck down. I was hurled backbeforethat.”
“That’s not possible,” Tristan stuttered, a puzzled look crossing his face. “You wouldn’t have been hurled back unless I was struck.”
“And you wouldn’t have been able toyellmy name if you were struck.” She challenged him, daring him to deny it.
Tristan leaned back and looked down at her in bewilderment.
“You did yell my name when I was ripped from your arms, didn’t you?”
He nodded slowly, as if recalling that moment. “I did.”
“So, what does that say about my fall being your fault?”
He thought for a moment, his eyebrows scrunching up and furrowing often, and then he shook his head. His eyes met hers apologetically. “It’s still dangerous.Iam dangerous.”
“Stop.” She pressed her finger to his lips and gave him a stern look. “Youare my gallant Lightning Knight. You’re not dangerous. You would never hurt me knowingly—”