Page 120 of Lightning Angel
“That’s the point, Alexa,” Tristan interrupted, a ring of frustration in his voice. “I could hurt youunintentionally. It’s something I can’t control. But I canpreventit.”
Alexa’s eyes widened at the determined look entering his eyes. It scared her more than the thought of dying. She began to shake her head. “No—Tristan—”
“Shhh,” he crooned, brushing his knuckles down her temple to her jaw. “It’s for the best.” His eyes were tormented as he spoke.
Tears pooled in her glaring eyes. She yanked him down by the collar and pressed her lips to his, kissing him hard. Tristan didn’t hesitate before he kissed her back with equal fervor, infusing his frustration and desire into the kiss. Alexa locked her arms around his neck and held him unrelentingly, with no intention of letting him break apart until she let him know how much she wanted him.
But that was the problem. He knew it, yet he was willing to make the sacrifice just to keep her safe.
Didn’t he know there was only one place in the universe where she felt safe? Right here in his arms?
They needed to talk properly. And then, she would tell him that she loved him. There was no point in fighting with him now. So she decided to let go, for now, until she was discharged from the hospital.
Tristan broke their kiss slowly. Alexa loosened her arms from his neck and cupped his face instead. When she opened her eyes, the dim ceiling met her. She clenched her jaw and gripped his face tight.
“I promised I would never leave you alone, and I will make sure of it till my last breath, whether or not you like it, Tristan Knight.”
Tristan’s hand clasped over hers on his cheek and gave it a gentle squeeze. She let her fingers trace his face, every contour and detail, before letting her hands fall.
A sudden chill replaced Tristan’s warmth, and she realized he was gone.
* **
Two days later, Alexa sat in the back of John’s car as he drove her and Cassie home. She was discharged from the hospital, but was given strict instructions of rest for the next three days before she could go back to school.
Though, rest or not, she wasn’t going to succumb to it until she had talked things over with Tristan. And that was where they were heading now; Tristan’s house. Only, Cassie didn’t know it. If she did—well, Alexa didn’t want to find out.
What if she didn’t agree? Alexa didn’t have it in her to fight.
She was saving the strength for her fight with Tristan. She was sure it would take a fight to make him see sense.
Sweet John had agreed to be her crime partner this time. Cassie wouldn’t know where they were headed to until he drove them down Tristan’s neighborhood.
When they did, just as she calculated, Cassie turned to John with questioning eyes. “Where are we going?”
John smirked in his effort to hide a mischievous grin. “To a friend of mine.”
“A friend of yours?” Cassie’s eyebrows rose. “Which one?”
“I have more friends than you know, Cass.”
“Of course,” Cassie said and turned back to stare out the windshield.
John caught Alexa’s eyes in the rear-view mirror and they exchanged a secret smile. It had been long since they’d last been on a secret mission together.
“Can’t you dropusat home before you go to your friend?”
“Actually, I’m taking all of us there.”
“What?” Cassie’s eyes snapped to him, bewildered,and then to Alexa. Too late, she caught her smirk. Her eyes narrowed suspiciously. “What are you two up to?”
“Oh, please.” Cassie rolled her eyes. “Nothing meanseverything.”
“Lex, do tell me I’m on the right road,” John chimed in.
Alexa turned her attention to the windshield. “See the right turn with the hedges? That’s it.”