Page 69 of Toxic Devotion
Marco crawled up his body, a smug smile on his lips, and Neil couldn’t even blame him. Marco kissed him, tongue slipping into his mouth to tangle with his, to claim him.
He grunted when he was rolled on top of Marco, rolling his eyes at the man’s wicked grin.
With a hand on his head, Marco guided him down until his mouth was right by the man’s cock. He licked his lips, then wrapped them around Marco’s thick cock, moaning at how good it felt in his mouth.
Marco bent his legs, putting his feet on the mattress. The hand on his head held him still while Marco slammed his cock down his throat over and over, choking him and making his eyes water.
“That’s it,” Marco groaned. “You can take it.”
He let his eyes fall shut and relaxed his throat, taking Marco as deep as he could. He loved when Marco used him like this. When Marco showed him that he owned him. That he was in control. He would never get enough of it.
“Take it all,” Marco said, his voice deep and husky and if he could’ve gotten hard again so soon, he would have.
He kept choking and it kept making Marco slam his cock into him harder until hot come hit his tongue. He did his best to swallow it all knowing damn well how much Marco loved that.
“God,” Marco gasped out. “Yes. Fuck!”
He closed his eyes and hummed, enjoying every second. He kept sucking, kept swallowing, until Marco grabbed a fistful of his hair and pulled his softening cock out of his mouth.
They both dropped back on the bed, his smile wide and his body loose and sated. He closed his eyes for a second, barely believing this was reality, and then he turned his head, finding Marco already watching him.
“I thinkourbed will do,” he said, a cheeky smile on his face.
Marco chuckled and leaned in to press a soft kiss to Neil’s lips.
“I think it’ll do just fine,” Marco said.
Once they were able to move their limbs again, they got up and Marco pulled on a pair of pants. Neil didn’t bother.
“I’m gonna take a shower,” he said and pressed a kiss to the corner of Marco’s mouth. He stepped back only to be grabbed and pulled against Marco’s chest, the man’s lips crashing down on his. Teeth sank into his bottom lip, the pinch of pain leaving him wanting more.
“Don’t be too long,” Marco said, his voice husky and his eyes dark.
Neil was smiling the whole way into the bathroom and as he got under the hot spray, he had to lean against the shower wall as a bout of happiness hit him. To think that he’d almost fucked up this second chance… he couldn’t bear the thought of it. He didn’t want to keep secrets from Marco anymore. He wanted full transparency between them.
Once out of the shower, he dried off and went into his bedroom to grab some clean clothes. He got dressed and then went looking for Marco. He heard him moving around in the kitchen and headed in that direction, stopping for a second when he heard the click of the lock turning on the front door. When he made it to the kitchen he wasn’t surprised to find Rome there, behind Marco.
“I take it it’s good I didn’t come earlier,” Rome drawled.
Marco jumped, then whirled around.
“Merda! Che cazzo, Romeo?”
Marco cursing out Rome almost made him laugh but he shook his head instead, smile wide on his lips.
“Sorry,” Rome said, a hint of amusement in his voice. “Didn’t mean to scare you.”
Neil watched Marco cross his arms and glare at Rome.
“You did notscareme.”
“Startled, then,” Neil said as he stepped closer.
Rome looked at him over his shoulder, smile widening. Oh, there was no hiding what they’d just done. Not with the fucking grin he couldn’t wipe off his face and Rome knew them too well. He knew what they looked like when they were together. When they were happy.
“I hate you,” Marco grumbled and pushed past them both, heading into the hallway.
“That’s not what you said twenty minutes ago,” Neil said.