Page 26 of Emergence: Prequel
One of them was a tiny, nerdy girl who kept close to Ford for most of the evening. She’d introduced herself as Rowena. Ford said she had mad computer skills, and she’d hacked the school security feed after her twin sister had been attacked and downloaded proof. Unfortunately, her sister wasn’t as strong as Jessie, and she’d committed suicide six months after her attack.
It lit a fire under Rowena, who had years’ worth of footage of different attacks not just on girls from school but on women in town and not all by the boys from school; sometimes, it was their fathers or men that worked for them. All silenced and paid off.
Over the course of the evening, those who’d volunteered, most of them girls, had slowly disappeared into the night, making their way separately to the bonfire, taking enough drugs with them to knock out those that weren’t involved. We didn’t need any witnesses, and this way they’d all think they’d had a heavy night of partying.
By the time we left the clubhouse and arrived at the bonfire, there were bodies lying around; somehow, most had been put in the recovery position. As it had only been the girls that had left, I assumed it was one of them that ensured nobody was going to die by choking on their own vomit.
The only ones still standing around the bonfire were the four boys we were after and the girls who had volunteered for this. Slipping away from Robbie, Raven walked up to the group, slipping the girls hanging off them the fast-acting date-rape drug that I’d bought from one of my dad’s old dealers.
From the shadows, we watched as the girls worked their magic.
“Not long now,” a soft voice said from next to me, making me jump, followed by a soft chuckle and an amused, “Sorry.”
“Rowena,” Ford smirked down at the tiny girl who had appeared out of nowhere. “Here,” she handed out gloves and coveralls, “put these on while we wait.”
“Where did you get these?” I asked curiously.
“Don’t ask,” she replied, motioning for us to hurry up and get them on while she continued, “The boys are ready; they’re just waiting for the girls to do their thing and get those fuckers into the trees. I have what I need here,” she held up a tablet. “We need to have them at the train yard by three and get them into the stock cars before the train leaves at four. I’ve got everything set up in the last car, just waiting for them.
“And yes, before you ask, I wore gloves and had my hair up under a cap. I didn’t leave anything behind,” she assured us, pushing her glasses up her nose as she spoke. Then nodding to where the girls were struggling under the weight of the four drugged dickheads. “You guys better go and help them.”
When we’d started taking orders from a tiny little female—who the fuck knew—but we did as asked and went to help. Robbie, Ford, and I each took one while the three girls and Raven picked up the last one. We walked them to where Rowena was waiting for us, waving, and followed her into the woods for about six hundred feet where we came to a stop as we looked in shock at the plastic lying on the ground. One of the other boys fromschool that Ford trusted—also dressed in coveralls—lifted his arms in a shrug.
“All her, man, and as small as she is, Rowena is fucking scary in other ways.”
Rowena snorted, “I was a fucking delight until these pieces of shit broke our family. What I am now is angry. They killed my sister and hurt all of our families in different ways. They need to pay, and I’m going to make sure they hurt for a long time. Lay them out in a straight line on the plastic and strip them of all their clothes,” she ordered us, pointing to the plastic before going to a toolbox and opening it.
“What?” Robbie asked, looking a little stunned.
Rowena turned to him angrily, “What exactly did you think was going to happen, Robbie? You guys get to beat on them, and then we tie them up in the cattle cart and send them on their way. Fuck that,” she hissed angrily.
“They’re going to hurt just as much as all those girls and women they hurt by the time I’m done with them. Anyone that doesn’t want part of this, now is your time to leave. I’ll make them pay enough for all of us.”
Turning away from us and back to her toolbox, she pulls out four dildos with spikes coming out of them and lays them down on the plastic, along with handcuffs, four ball gags, and modified cock cages.
Raven and the other three girls start laughing, and the guys look a little green when we see what she’s laid out.
“Whoop, Rowena girl. I think I just fell a little in love with you,” Raven laughed.
“Oh, yeah,” one of the others agreed with a snigger. “Who’d have thought? What do you need us to do, girl?”
Slanting my eyes at Ford, my eyebrows raise when I notice him looking at Rowena with admiration. He looked at me and grinned before walking towards the first one and starting to strip them.
Rowena held out gloves to the girls, “Your DNA is going to be all over them anyway, but nobody is going to believe four small girls did the type of damage I’m about to do. But wear the gloves just to be careful. Take the clothes they are stripping off them and put them in here. We need to burn them.”
Raven grabs the bag and starts piling clothes in. “Give it to me when you’re done,” Sally, one of the girls, says—at least I think that’s her name. “Rachel and I’ll take it to the bonfire and burn it. You two boys come with us; we’re going to need you to make sure everyone is still passed out and add wood to the fire. We don’t want to leave any evidence behind.”
Once they were stripped, I handed the bag of clothes to Sally and watched as four of them disappeared back towards the glow of the fire, then turned back to Rowena.
“Here, cuff them, hands behind their backs as tight as you want,” she again ordered.
Snagging the handcuffs, we silently went about doing her bidding. She was on a roll, and I wanted to see how far she was willing to go. It turned out that she was willing to go all the way. By the time she was done, I wondered why the hell we never had women in our club. Men were more beat until they were unconscious and hurting, but fuck, women were devious in ways I’d never have thought about. The plastic made sense by the time she was done with them because there was blood everywhere.
They’d woken up several times during the torture that Rowena laid on them, screaming out behind their gags, tears running down their faces. Nothing seemed to faze her, the determinationon her face while she worked them over and raped them in the only way she could. What was freakier was that she kept up a running commentary the whole time as to why this was happening to them, along with a long list of names of all the women and girls they and their fathers had ever hurt. By the time she was finished, they were quivering, sweaty wrecks that were fading in and out of consciousness.
She then had us put them in sweatpants and carry them to a cage that she had hidden in the trees, plastic lining the back.
By now I think we all realised that the tiny ball of anger was in charge and we were just the muscle. So far, none of what she’d done had me worried about leaving behind clues; she seemed to have it all covered.