Page 27 of Emergence: Prequel
Driving the cage to the train depot, we secured them in the last cattle car with the tablet that had all their deeds on it. All we could hope for was that when they were finally found, when the train stopped at the first scheduled stop nearly five hours away, that whoever found them investigated everything that had been laid out for them, and if they didn’t, they were stupid because Rowena had basically drawn them a picture.
We waited at the cage Rowena had appropriated just for this purpose until the heavy goods train pulled out of the station. And then she broke. It was heartbreaking to hear her agonised cries as she curled into herself. “It’s done, sissy, just like I promised. You’re free.”
I couldn’t imagine how it must have felt to have your twin so viciously attacked and then for her to take her own life because of it. I’d imagine I’d have done just as much if it had been Rosie that had ended up in the ground. Rowena had needed this, it seemed, and I was glad we’d been able to help her get her revenge.
Ford walked over and wrapped an arm around her, bringing her to his chest and holding her until she’d cried herself out. Raven was wiping at her face before burying it in Robbie’s chest as we listened to the heartbreak coming from someone so tiny.
Not that it kept her down for long. Once she’d broken, she seemed to shore herself up. Stepping back from Ford, she swiped at her face.
“We’re not done yet. Let me take you all back to the bonfire to make sure there’s no evidence left, then I’ll get rid of the truck.”
“Do you need a hand?” I asked her.
Rowena shook her head, “You guys really don’t know me, do you?”
“I’m sorry, no,” I replied.
“I do,” Ford stated. “Your family owns the scrap-yard. I’m guessing you’re going to take it back there and crush it.”
Rowena gave him a dimpled smile before turning all business, “I am. Guess you do know me then. Come on, let’s wrap this up.”
That’s what we did. Rowena parked up and followed us back into the woods, but only as far as her toolbox, which she picked up before grabbing a big branch.
“You guys go on. I’m going to make sure this area is swept clean.”
Leaving her to it, I called a soft goodnight as we left. Looking back once over my shoulder to see her industriously sweeping across the ground, wiping away our tracks before disappearing back into the forest towards her cage.
Walking out of the woods towards the bonfire, we found it was burning high and hot. We’d left the others behind to tend it, and they’d ensured that all the plastic we’d used was burnt, as well as anything else we’d found. Those that we’d drugged were slowlycoming around. We spent some time handing out water and making sure nobody was having any bad side effects from being drugged, but most just laughed it off, groaning about hangovers and partying too much. Some were panicking about curfews. Just normal teenage stuff. Ford, Robbie, Raven, and I were the last to leave. Thanking the other four who’d helped us, we sent them home.
Other than drugging, burning their clothes, and helping with carrying our victims, we’d kept them away from the more gruesome aspects of what Rowena had done. I didn’t think they’d have been able to handle her form of punishment. It was hard for me to stomach some of it. They could use their imaginations, but they hadn’t seen anything. We checked the fire one last time to ensure there was no evidence left behind and banked it to die down naturally with no chance of it spreading, then we got on our bikes and left to fill the club in on the events of the night.
“And that’s what happened,” I ended. “I have to say, Pres, I think we’re missing a trick or two when it comes to not having women in the MC; they are fucking vicious.”
Blake started to laugh at his words, and it was like a domino effect around the room.
Cash wiped a hand down his face, shaking his head, “You’re not wrong, Kyle. When I hear some of the stories the Crows tell about their women, I have to agree. We tend to go all out and bludgeon things. Women are far more ruthless and can be merciless when needed, especially when it’s another woman or a child that’s been wronged.”
“It’s something you’d all do well to remember as you get older and are in relationships,” Maestro agreed with a smirk. “Now goon, get some food and rest. We’ll see which way the pendulum falls; I’m sure by tomorrow we’ll have heard something.”
It was as I was taking bacon from the pan and adding it to the plate I’d lined with paper towel that I heard the faint squeak.
Frowning, I tilted my head, listening. It had been more than an hour since Raven had come home, and as far as I knew, nobody else had come in.
Quietly opening the drawer next to the stove, I removed the handgun I’d put there earlier. Slipping my shoes off and walking on socked feet towards the living room, my gaze roamed over the bodies sleeping there. Rosie, Opal, and Maura were on air mattresses on the floor, with Jessie on the couch, right where I’d left them all when Raven arrived. I’d told Raven to take Rosie’s room, so walking slowly upstairs until I got to Rosie’s room, I pushed open the door to find Raven right where I expected her to be, fast asleep. Going to Poppy’s room next, I opened the door, finding the room empty as it should be because she’d slept at Emily’s. Our bedroom door was open, but I checked it anyway. Finding all the bedrooms upstairs clear, I walked back downstairs, wondering if I’d imagined the noise, but my gut was telling me that someone else was in the house. The only rooms I hadn’t checked were the laundry and Ford’s room. I doubted anybody would be in the laundry room as it was right off the kitchen, but I checked it anyway. Finding it empty, I walked towards the garage and Ford’s room, which was just off the garage and completely self-contained.
Taking hold of the handle, I slowly opened it, gun ready should I need it.
Walking further into the dim room, with the sun only just rising and casting a bit of light through the open curtains, my brows rose when I caught sight of the tiny female in my son’s bed. She had a shock of bright red hair cut short, with long red lashes casting a slight shadow over freckled cheeks and dark shadows like bruises under her eyes. She didn’t look more than thirteen, curled up on the bed, but I had a feeling she was Ford and Rosie’s age.
Wondering how she’d got past the fences and the prospects, I decided she must be here for a reason and obviously knew Ford. I decided to leave her to sleep before getting answers. By the looks of it, the girl needed about five good meals and a good night’s sleep. Picking up the blanket at the end of the bed, I covered her, and she didn’t stir once.
Walking back to the kitchen, I continued with breakfast and was just finishing it when I heard the heavy footsteps on the porch, accompanied by deep voices. I hoped they were hungry because I stressed-cooked, and I’d gone all out, so we had piles of French toast, bacon, eggs, pancakes, and cut-up fruit.
Hurrying to the front door, I opened it and ran my gaze over my boys before my eyes found Roman’s. When I found them clear of worry, I relaxed and returned his smile.
“Morning, baby,” he rumbled, wrapping an arm around me to pull me towards him. “Breakfast smells amazing.”