Page 44 of The Dark Side
That's ridiculous,shemotivated herself.I live here now.She glanced back toward her cats for encouragement, but Tae-Tae was currently licking his privates, and Ming was staring out the window, watching a bird twitter in a palm tree.
Jolie stepped out into the hall.
She flipped her head each way down the long, elegant hallway, having no idea which direction to go. Lights were bright. with LEDs in the ceiling reflecting against the white tile on the floor. Her black flats tapped against the shining ground with every step she took, and no matter how light she was on her feet, it echoed.
A door at the end of the hallway whipped open, and Katia stepped out. Her brown eyes widened at the sight of Jolie. "You're up early."
"I didn't know what time we were getting started." Jolie noticed the outfit Katia wore: yoga clothes that were tight in all the right places, exposing the plumpness of her breasts and the perfect shape of her ass. It was intimidating and discouraging. What could Adrik ever see in her if he had Katia to compare her to?
"Cute dress," Katia commented as she approached, her high heels hitting the ground like anvils.
Jolie wasn't sure she was being truthful. Her dress was decorated in multicolored letters and draped down to her knees. It was one of her favorite teaching dresses, but now she felt ridiculous.
"Helina usually wakes around nine. Would you like to join me for breakfast? The family is promptly fed at seven."
Jolie took a deep breath and followed behind. "That would be great."
"You can meet my husband."
"We've met."
"Oh. What a surprise." Katia glanced over her shoulder. "My husband and I talked about your schedule last night. Monday through Friday, ten to four, with an hour’s break for lunch. Esfir will take a list of any supplies you need. Please do not be shy. Spare no expense for my daughter's education. She might be a bit behind. We’d hoped she would’ve returned to Russia by now, but plans have changed."
Down the double staircase and into the main foyer, their movements sparked a wave of attendants rushing about, as if they'd been caught idling. To the left, they went through a sitting area but kept traveling through another set of double doors into a dining room. There was a long table meant for twelve, but it was empty. Opening up with glass doors was the pool area, and they stepped out onto the terrace where the family sat in the early morning humidity. The house gave them adequate shade, and a nice breeze came from the harbor.
Jolie tucked her hair behind her ear and nervously approached.
Adrik sat with his back to her while Alexei sat at the end, and his mouth dropped open upon seeing her.
Jolie's attention, however, was on the old man sitting at the head of the table. Yakov, the leader of their mafia family. Gray hair, gray facial hair, dressed in black pants and a white button-up shirt, he was slightly heavy set, with a bulging belly, but his blue eyes were as bright as ever when he looked up to greet her. And though he smiled wide and greeted her with delight, all Jolie saw was his mugshot and the cold, malicious look in his dead eyes. His misdeeds were proudly posted on the internet, as if he had done an interview about all the atrocious things he committed. She hadn't thought she'd ever come in contact with someone so dangerous.
Jolie slipped her hand in her pocket, clicking the pen, hoping against all hope that he’d reveal something terrible and she'd be free to leave this place. If he caught on to her deception, would the police be able to save her in time?
Jolie strengthened her back, trying to erase the trepidation in her soul.
Russian broke out on Katia's lips as she greeted the table, and everyone turned to look at her. Adrik's gaze passed over with quick indifference, his attention on his phone.
"Miss Bell?" Alexei stood up. "What are you doing here?" He approached. He wore a light blue suit, but his arm was tucked against his chest with a sling.
Katia answered before she could. "She's the new tutor for Helina."
"Tutor?" Alexei looked to Adrik and quickly stated in Russian,"You didn't tell me you were hiring a tutor."
"Me either,"Katia added as she sat across from Adrik, staring expectantly at him, but he promptly ignored her.
Jolie kept her fingers connected in front of her, trying not to pick at her nails. She felt intrusive and completely out of place. Alexei had been at the shootout, held a gun to her, and forced her to take them to her apartment. Was that erased? Did he think it was a common thing to have gun in her face?
"Come sit," Alexei offered, pulling out the chair next to him.
Jolie's knees almost gave out. She was swallowed in fear and wished she could return to her room and pile all her furniture against the door.
Oh, God, if they could hear my thoughts, they'd skin me alive.
Alexei waved to a servant to bring her some food. He turned to his brother with Russian on his lips."You had a background check done on her?"
"Gil hired her; ask him,"Adrik carelessly replied.
"I usually do the hiring."